Emoji 16.0 不同平台上的表情符号Emoji 华为 EmojiAll (经典) EmojiAll (泡泡) Microsoft Teams JoyPixels (动画) 谷歌 苹果 微软 脸书 推特 Whatsapp Mozilla JoyPixels EmojiOne EmojiTwo OpenMoji EmojiDex BlobMoji 三星 HTC LG Docomo 软银 Au Kddi
这是一面跨性别旗,从上往下依次为蓝色、粉色、白色、粉色、蓝色的横向条纹,它的设计借鉴了 LGBT 彩虹旗🏳️🌈的条纹和交替的色彩。在一些平台上它暂时还无法显示为一个单独的emoji,而是显示为🏳(举白旗)和⚧︎(跨性别符号)的组合。这个emoji通常用
每年6月是LGBT的骄傲月,它是是同性恋权利运动的一部分,目的之一是为促进LGBT群体获得尊严、平等以及更高关注度。 🧡💛Love is love!💚💙💜 🏳️🌈 彩虹旗 🌈 彩虹 🪧 标语牌 红心 🧡 橙心 💛 黄心 💚 绿心 💙 蓝心 💜 紫心 ⚧ 跨性别符号 🏳⚧ 跨性别旗 ...
Gacha Life 2You Might Also Like Outfit Game : Gacha Nox Games GachaNox Outfit ideas Games Picrew-Character Maker&Creator Games KREW EATS Games lovely cat dream party Games Lovely Cat: Magic Academy City Games LGBT Flags Merge! Games Vlinder Avatar Maker: emoji ...
⭐️1+ 每年6月是LGBT的驕傲月,它是是同性戀權利運動的一部分,目的之一是為促進LGBT群體獲得尊嚴、平等以及更高關注度。 🧡💛Love is love!💚💙💜 🏳️🌈 彩虹旗 🌈 彩虹 🪧 告示牌 愛心 🧡 橘心 💛 黃心 ...
But everyone is gradually full of tolerance and respect for the LGBT community, which is a good thing. Rainbow flags 🏳️🌈 and balloons filled the city center to mark the event's 15th anniversary. 🔸 🏳️🌈 = 🏳️ + 🌈 🏳️🌈Emoji Character Chat🏳...
Japanese 🏳️Emoji Tag Cloud white flag lgbtq pride gay lgbt rights waving Flags Symbolic F... White Flag Canada Pride M... Gender chequer... closed ... Tag Cloud emojiall.com Comprehensive English Spanish French Portuguese, International Thai Turkish Arabic Japanese🏳...
And with its vibrant and fun-loving nature, this emoji sometimes represents or shows support for the LGBT community🏳🌈. However, this emoji can sometimes suggest being sarcastic, or indicate someone is being rude or mean. It's a playful way to suggest that someone's words might be ...
And with its vibrant and fun-loving nature, this emoji sometimes represents or shows support for the LGBT community🏳🌈. However, this emoji can sometimes suggest being sarcastic, or indicate someone is being rude or mean. It's a playful way to suggest that someone's words might be ...
lgbt 24 More Emoji Those emojis whose meaning and usage are similar to that of 🌈 in Twitter. They are also often used together with 🌈. Relationship Strength It indicates the similarity between the following emojis and 🌈 in meaning and usage, the higher the value, the higher...