You tounlock all 24 event items in the Techno Terrors event in order to unlock the Apex Mecha Mythic skinfor Pathfinder as soon as possible. This is the only way to unlock the skin during the event. Usually, the cheapest way to go about unlocking all of these skins is by saving up a...
Apex Legends Space Hunt: All legend skins The Space Hunt event comes with a total of six Legendary skins that must be purchased via event packs. Two Epic skins can be unlocked by completing quests daily while the event is live. Here are all of the legend skins in Space Hunt: Blood Bount...
Epic-tier items (available for 1,000 Apex Coins or 800 Crafting Metals) Deco Droid Pathfinder legend skin First Class Valkyrie legend skin Unseen Void Wraith legend skin Haute Disguise Loba legend skin Smell The Roses Seer banner frame Palace Of Prosperity Rampart banner frame Secret Soiree Gibral...
Advanced Reign Valkyrie legend skin (Epic) Blood Rush Octane legend skin (Epic) Bad Blood Caustic legend skin (Epic) Vortex Core L-STAR weapon skin (Legendary) Premium Bundle:The Premium Resurrection Bundle is available for 2,800 AC ($28 USD). Players who purchase this ver...