Nestlé, IDH and TechnoServe will help 5,000 smallholder farmers earn better livelihoods by… NESTLÉ CONTINUE TO PROVIDE CLEAN WATER IN RURAL COMMUNITIES Mar 25, 2021 Nestlé Ghana, producers of Milo, Cerelac, Maggi, Ideal Milk and Nescafe, in collaboration with the… Nestlé Côte d'Ivoi...
This is a very critical scenario for business leaders. They must walk tightropes, acknowledging workforce concerns without fueling deeper uncertainty. Also, leaders have to maintain engagement during the uncertainty. They can achieve this by - Openly communicating about company standings and Providing op...
BMW of North America is back on the island of Nantucket this weekend in support of the twelfth annual Nantucket Project as prolific thought leaders from across the globe come together to reimagine solutions for a range of complex challenges facing humanity today. As Official Automotive Partner of...
Given this new reality of a hybrid workplace, leaders must learn how to communicate effectively in virtual environments. In this blog, I shared three reasons why communicating effectively on camera is challenging in a hybrid workplace. What about you? Do you know how to show up well on camer...
Today, these are considered watershed paintings that mark the start of modern art. The last 20 years of Manet's life saw him form bonds with other great artists of the time, and develop his own style that would be heralded as innovative and serve as a major influence for future painters....
“Elected leaders in many democracies, who should be press freedom’s staunchest defenders, have made explicit attempts to silence critical media voices and strengthen outlets that serve up favorable coverage. The trend is linked to a global decline in democracy itself: The erosion of press freedom...
Watch: Running Industry Leaders Talk About Making Gear for Women, Finally. The jury is in: the ‘shrink it and pink it’ mentality simply does not produce products that serve the unique needs of women. Here’s what does. Brian Metzler ...
A testament to the vision of the leaders of the UAE. The exhibit rooms paired with the functional meeting rooms help a visitor understand the culture of the Emirates. This is a must see destination for any visitor to Abu Dhabi. Visited March 2024 Traveled with friends Writte...
In my lecture I will focus on how humans can participate in/anticipate this digital AI-based transformation. But even more, I look forward to the lectures and discussions with other peers, as more people-centric thought leaders and technology leaders will join us: ...
Female political leaders of the 20th century. Where was the first writing system invented and why? The basic principles of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Normandy invasion: planning, landings, and consequences. The main events of the Gladiator War. The most unusual social movements in US ...