"Dot the Earth" is an app about the Temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (sometimes called the Mormon or LDS church). In the app you can…
My wife and I are already talking about our next trip with Lemuel as our guide in order to take advantage of his week-long trips where he takes groups to a variety of Mayan temples all while imparting of his vast knowledge and familiarity with M...
Considered a prophet, seer, and revelator by church members, Hinckley was the oldest person to preside over the church in its history.Hinckley's presidency was noted for the building of temples, with more than half of existing temples being built under his leadership. He also oversaw the ...
In Mormonism there isn’t just one, after all according to the King Follett Discourse, ‘God’ was once a man on another planet and married Mormon men may become gods also. However let us assume the most likely answer and go with God the father or ‘Elohim’ in LDS lingo. Does God ...
"Dot the Earth" is an app about the Temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (sometimes called the Mormon or LDS church). In the app you can…
“evil,” as LDS SenatorOrrin Hatch recently did, is to recognize that white Latter-day Saints’ racism in the past was also evil—a sin that grieved the Spirit of the Lord. The resources inShoulder to the Wheelhelp Latter-day Saints make sense of this history—how far we’ve come, ...
The LDS church has roots in Freemasonry, with Joseph Smith’s membership and conducting of black magic rituals to find the golden tablets, and you can see the All Seeing Eye on the Salt Lake Temple in Utah. Aleister Crowley became the figure of attention for pushing the Illuminati-occult age...
Temple Appointment Scheduling 参考资料 LDS Priesthood 参考资料 LDS Talk and Lesson Generator 参考资料 Find the Temple Quiz Game 教育 LDS Quotes: Spiritual Quotes 参考资料 Memories Book Family History 参考资料 Gospel Learning 教育 Fun LDS Games for Sundays 参考资料 Copyright...
"Dot the Earth" is an app about the Temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (sometimes called the Mormon or LDS church). In the app you can…