Besides, a healthy sleeping pattern also offers protection against all kinds of psychological disorders. 18Rethinking the value of rest When you decide to do something about your stress levels, try to rethink the value of rest.Usually the first step is to take better care of your body.19More...
根据上文Itisnowcommonknowledgethatphysicalexercise,inadditiontotherapy,helpstoreducedepression.Besides,a healthysleepingpatternalsooffersprotectionagainstallkindsofpsychologicaldisorders.(现在大家都知道,除了治疗之外,体育锻炼还有助于减少抑郁症。此外,健康的睡眠模式还可以防止各种心理障碍。)可知,本段主要说明了可以...
Besides, a healthy sleeping pattern also offers protection against all kinds of psychological disorders.(现在大家都知道,除了治疗之外,体育锻炼还有助于减少抑郁症。此外,健康的睡眠模式还可以防止各种心理障碍)”可知,本段主要说明了可以减少心理障碍的一些健康,且上文提到了睡眠,故B选项“众所周知,除了睡眠,...
It is now common knowledge that physical exercise, in addition to therapy, helps to reduce depression. Besides, a healthy sleeping pattern also offers protection against all kinds of psychological disorders.3 Rethinking the value of rest When you decide to do something about your stress levels, tr...
When you are feeling poorly, you can combat it by taking better care of your body. Physical exercise helps to relieve depression. A healthy sleeping pattern also offers protection against all kinds of psychological disorders, and a healthy diet is known to reduce stress. Moments of rest and re...
C项In fact,you can even take an aspirin for that kind of pain.(事实上,你甚至可以吃一片阿司匹林来缓解这种疼痛)符合语境。故选C项。(3)语境衔接题。根据下文Ahealthysleepingpatternalsooffersprotectionagainstallkindsofpsychologicaldisorders,andahealthydietisknowntoreducestress.(健康的睡眠模式也可以预防各种...
A healthy sleeping pattern also offers protection against all kinds of psychological disorders, and a healthy diet is known to reduce stress. Moments of rest and relaxation ought to occupy a more prominent place in our lives. These significant moments should not be regarded as a kind of “...
Fasting has been called the "miracle cure" because the list of physical conditions improved by fasting is long and varied. Cited most often are allergies, arthritis, digestive disorders of all kinds, skin conditions, cardiovascular disease, and asthma. (Seehere for more information on the physical...
are unique one-of-a kind individuals—people are not a diagnosis, a set of labels, or a medical condition. They are not “addicts,”“broken-people,” or “failing to launch.” They are human beings with unique values, beliefs, dreams, desires and goals in the process of ever-becoming...
Without enough sleep, the body may be weak.One-third of adults have sleeplessness. There are over 80 kinds of sleep-related disorders ().However, other adults are lucky and have no sleeping problems. They sleep as soon as their heads hit the pillows. Do you sleep well? If you have ...