J-pop, or Japanese pop, is an eclectic genre of music from Japan that dates back to the 1950s. J-pop, an abbreviated term for Japanese pop or Japanese pop music, is a musical genre that has been a part of Japanese pop culture since the mid-twentieth century. J-pop applies to variou...
A 13-episode anime adaptation directed by Shinya Kawatsura and produced by Silver Link aired in Japan between July and September 2012. Four additional episodes aired on December 30, 2012. Also ranks #2 on 20 Explosive Anime Controversies That Shook Up The Otaku World Also ranks #3 on The ...
In the realm of film, Japan has an abundance of great movies. Whether it's animated films that commentate on the triumphs and failures of humanity, or sweeping epics set in feudal times, the country is host to a legion of talented filmmakers. While there are more fantastic Japanese movies ...
It opened in Japan on 20 July 2005 as the A movie of a double bill with the Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle film Tsubasa Chronicle: The Princess of the Birdcage Kingdom, also by Production I.G and originally based on a Clamp comic. The film is the first motion picture and the first ...
Raging against the dying of the light in the spirit of its protagonist, an ageing Kurosawa translated King Lear into a sprawling, muscular epic set in feudal Japan. Ran has the 75-year-old at the absolute peak of his powers. It’s missing his old muse Mifune – the pair had fallen out...
Japan is composed of four main islands, comprising Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu, as well as numerous small islands surrounding the southeast of the Korean peninsula in the Pacific Ocean. Its population consists of 127 million people, which is 2.5 times more than that of South Korea. ...
Bach Collegium Japan, Masaaki Suzuki conducter Chant/Sacred Choral, Christmas / Holiday Music, Classical Back Horn J-Rock BACK-ON J-Rock, Pop Punk Bahboon Grunge, Stoner Rock Baked Bomb Deathcore/Brutal Death Balflare Heavy Metal, Speed Metal ...
and their relationship improves. Haru then promises Ren that they will stay in Japan together after the former has graduated from high school. But Haru gets involved in an accident and loses all his memory. Years later, when Ren arrives in Japan to take Haru up on his promise, Haru does ...
Just one other Ghibli film holds a 100% score on Rotten Tomatoes: the 1991 contemporary dramaOnly Yesterday, written and directed by Isao Takahata and based on a 1982 manga of the same name. The film wasn’t distributed outside Japan until 2006, and the U.S. 25th anniversary edition inclu...
TOKYO (AP) — The on-again, off-again breakup of an all-male Japanese pop group with a strong following in much of Asia is back on: The five members of SMAP will go their separate ways at the end of this year, after performing together for more than two decades. ...