When all is lost then all is found 这首《All Is Found》来自《冰雪奇缘2》的电影原声带,由Evan Rachel Wood演唱,歌词由Kristen Anderson-Lopez和Robert Lopez创作。歌词中充满了对记忆、勇气与归家的深刻描绘,旋律悠扬动听,情感丰富细腻。希望这首歌词能激发你的创作灵感! 歌词创作小贴士:在创作歌词时,可以尝试...
For in this river all is found all is found When all is lost then all is found In her waters deep and true Lie the answers and a path for you Dive down deep into her sound But not too far or you'll be drowned She will sing to those who'll hear And in her song all magic flo...
歌词 All Is Found (マホウノカワノコモリウタ(アナトユキノジョオウツーヨリ)) - Evan Rachel Wood Lyrics by:Kristen Anderson-Lopez/Robert Lopez Composed by:Kristen Anderson-Lopez/Robert Lopez Where the north wind meets the sea There's a river full of memory Sleep my darling safe and ...
For in this river all is found 因为在河中会寻找到一切 In her waters, deep and true 她的水中 深邃且真实 Lay the answers and a path for you 答案与道路会为你铺展 Dive down deep into her sound 向下潜去深入她的声音 But not too far or you'll be drowned 但别太远 否则你会淹溺 Yes, she...
All Is Found (From "Frozen 2"/Soundtrack Version) 电影《冰雪奇缘2》原声 歌手:Evan Rachel Wood 作曲: Robert Lopez/Kristen Anderson-Lopez 作词: Robert Lopez/Kristen Anderson-Lopez Where the north wind meets the sea 北风吹过,海浪起 There's a river full of memory 有一条河流,充满回忆 Sleep,...
All is found When all is lost then all is found In her waters deep and true Lay the answers and a path for you Dive down deep into her sound But not too far or you'll be drowned Yes she will sing to those who'll hear And in her song all magic flows ...
All Is Found (回忆之河) - 吉娜·爱丽丝 (Gina Alice) 词:陈少琪曲:Kristen Anderson-Lopez/Robert Lopez 监制:陈少琪北风吹过 雨飘摇回忆的河 在向你微笑安心在黑夜奔跑你要的答案会找到 会找到曾失去的 你会找到时光流转的漩涡什么呼唤让你迷惑随它的声音探索别走太远怕被淹没我默默的祝福你在冰雪里 坚...
All Is Found (Kacey Musgraves Version) - Kacey Musgraves Lyrics by:Kristen Anderson-Lopez/Robert Lopez Composed by:Kristen Anderson-Lopez/Robert Lopez Where the north wind meets the sea There's a river full of memory Sleep my darling safe and sound For in this river all is found ...