Führender Webhost & Provider für Domains, Homepage-Webspace (Domain-Webhosting) & Server (Server-Hosting, Managed Server). ALL‑INKL - für Retail & Reseller!
This project consists of the Python library kasserver and a few command line utilities to manage domains of the German webhoster All-Inkl.com through their KAS server API.At the moment the main focus is managing DNS record as this allows to automate the creation of Let's Encrypt (wildcard...
A Hook script to use the ALL-INKL KAS API with dehydrated for dns-01 challenges. Download Using git: git clone --recursive https://github.com/o1oo11oo/dehydrated-all-inkl-hook.git Updating the git repository: git pull && git submodule update --init --recursive Without using git: get ...
g. Noter WEP-koden, nøjagtigt som du skrev den, inkl. store og små bogstaver. h. Marker afkrydsningsfeltet Dette er et netværk, hvor computere har direkte forbindelse med hinanden. Der bliver ikke brugt trådløse adgangspunkter. i. Klik på OK for at lukke vinduet ...