Title:올인 / Olin (All In) Genre:Drama, romance, crime Episodes:24 Broadcast network:SBS Broadcast period:2003-Jan-15 to 2003-Apr-03 Air time:Wednesday & Thursday 21:55 Synopsis As a kid, all Kim In Ha ever did was follow his uncle around and help him cheat in gambling. As a ...
All EpisodesDecember 31, 2024 Best of 2024 748 Holes at the End of the World Host Jason Snell with Erika Ensign, Annette Wierstra, Brian Warren, Kelly Guimont, Moisés Chiullán, David J. Loehr, John Siracusa, Dan Moren, and Chip Sudderth Another year in the books, and there was a...
a consortium of planet and star systems in the multiverse. When Earth is invited to join the consortium, the secret visits are made public. Now Earthers must adjust their beliefs and ideas about life, religion, culture, identity and everything they...
October 31, celebrated in the United States, Canada, and the British Isles by children going door to door while wearing costumes and asking for treats and playing pranks. [Short forAll Hallow Even:Allhallow(mas)+even.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Cop...
The family returned to London where Christopher attended Wagner's private school. His mother then married Harcourt "Ingle" Rose, a banker and uncle of the James Bond author Ian Fleming. Lee applied unsuccessfully for a scholarship to Eton although the interview was to prove portentous because of...
When the show is over and our time with Jim and Pam ends, it's nice to see them out of their little world within Scranton. But the fighting and the tension the show uses to build to it in Season 9 is a bit tiresome and weighs down a few episodes. There's emotion, but the weigh...
me to french training, which i have been nervous about. had the first lesson this morning. teacher told me i had beautiful pronunciation, like i’d been raised with it (i was not). dangerous ego levels for someone who can only hold conversations that sound like téléfrançais episodes ...
This episode is the fourth of only four, in the entire series ofThe X-Files, that feature non-diegetic music not composed byMark Snow, both episodes using songs by Moby; while the earlierSeason 7episode "Closure" features a Moby song entitled "My Weakness", this episode includes the Moby...
🎙️ DataFramed - latest trends and insights on how to scale the impact of data science in organizations [Years: 2019 - now, Status: active] Some NLP episodes 🎙️ The Super Data Science Podcast [Years: 2016 - now, Status: active] 🎙️ Data Hack Radio [Years: 2018 - now, ...
Just check its Wikipedia page and see how many languages it has been translated into. Most people who got into the anime fandom started with Dragon Ball Z.Some people bash Dragon Ball Z for its long fight scenes that span several episodes, for characters that move too fast that you don't...