“I am looking for software recommendation that covers multiple fields like CRM, Invoicing, Contracts, Project management, Time tracking. So far I have been stuck with Trello, but I am looking for something that can cover everything mentioned above.” 这个问题引发了我的深思,因为它代表了许多企业...
ConvergeHub: All-in-One CRM software to manage Sales, Marketing, Support and Billing seamlessly. Boost growth and efficiency. Try it free for 14 days!
Run your entire business with the most trusted SaaS applications. With SalesBabu all in one cloud software, you can manage, connect, and automate all business processes across your organization.
只不过我们的确应该反思 ALL-IN-ONE 究竟承诺了什么,或者我们到底在期待什么。 熟悉火箭君的小伙伴一定也知道,我个人不喜欢「大而全」的系统,我更喜欢 一个工具做一件事情,一堆工具组成一个「工具链」,以前我就专门撰文讨论过这个问题。所以,今天我不想老调重弹,但是想以 Notion 为例,看看海外的某些用户,怎么看...
designed for the needs of today’s modern businesses. Discover Our Plans Talk to Our Experts UsersDeskera Front Runners for Top ERP Software #1 Rated on G2 G2 “Users Love Us” In 4+ categories Deskera ERP High Performer Winter 2024 ...
图床、计划、代办、番茄钟All In One,群晖部署开源私有笔记软件 Blossom 前言 现在有非常多的笔记软件,各具特色。 今天要介绍的是一款功能强大的开源云端存储双链笔记软件——Blossom。它集成了日常所需的所有笔记功能,包括双链笔记、图床、代办事项、计划安排、博客等。
1CRM is an all in one CRM software solution for small to medium sized businesss. Marketing automation, order management, ecommerce integration and more.
Successware is business management software for home service companies that handles booking, dispatching, accounting, and field management all in one platform.
峰会上,奥哲创始人&CEO徐平俊先生发表“业务数字原生2.0 - Al in One”的主题演讲,深入探讨了数字化转型的最新趋势和企业实现全面数字化的路径。 2021年,徐平俊首次提出了数字化新趋势关键词“业务数字原生”,并指出低代码本质是缩短业务与数字化距离,最终实现业务数字原生。