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All in One PC School Teaching GFF Capacitive Touch Screen Nano Interactive Blackboard Avaliable sizes:75"|86". Ikinor smart blackbsoard built-in 4K HD camera Easy-to-access multi-connected front ports and friendly front buttons Ikinor smart blackboard b...
【本文摘要】 石家庄埃森少儿英语开设国际课堂,让学生不出国门感受国际学习氛围。让孩子学到地道英语的同时感受轻松的学习氛围,全面提升英语水平。现在跟埃森英语了解一下吧。 孩子从小接受的英语教育水平,会很深的影响长大之后的英语的学习。石家庄埃森英语为了能够让孩子学到原汁原味的英语,开设国际课堂。帮助孩子在快乐...
The All-in-One Academics' College Application Workbook has motivated our students to continue their education beyond High School. It has given them a road-map to explore every option available to them. It truly is an excellent program!
托福All in One名师团队 阅读 听力 口语 写作 周舟 现任考满分托福阅读ALL IN ONE课程主讲老师,兼任考满分雅思项目经理。就读于瑞典Kristianstad大学和瑞典Uppsala大学。从事英语教学十年,包括托福阅读,SAT阅读,雅思阅读,高级语法等。 老师详情 费扬 本科、研究生均就读于香港科技大学,6年以上的TOEFL\IELTS\SAT阅读...
The All-in-One Academics' College Application Workbook has motivated our students to continue their education beyond High School. It has given them a road-map to explore every option available to them. It truly is an excellent program!
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My floating school is a "school bus" and classroom all in one. The boat picks me up early in the morning. Our classroom is on the boat too. There are several boats on the river at the same time. Each boat has one teacher and one class. The teacher teaches us all the subjects. T...