Online ticket sales, event registration, sell charity event tickets, and manage events + fundraiser with Eventgroove's all-in-one platform.
Having a great event isn't enough; people need to find out about it. List your events on the largest business event platform to reach more people. List your events for discovery Manage customised lead forms Create tickets & access levels Market among selected audience Send custom promo emails ...
All-in-one event-tech platform that offers ticketing, check-in, apps, websites and solutions to enhance engagement, networking, and overall attendee experience.
Sarcon is an enterprise grade all-in-one Event Platform. Host your hybrid, in-person, and virtual events platform with customizable Event registration, 3D, 3D 360(VR-like) environments & mobile-friendly options.
The B2B event management app for attendee networking, online registration, livestreaming, and reporting all on one powerful app.
All-in-one 的最终形态?用 Fibery 管理工作与知识 是什么样一个产品,会在自己的官网写下这样一段「大实话」? 自称all-in-one,却在各方面都平平无奇。 市面上有十几个协作生产力工具,并不是说我们显著地更好,我们就是忍不住要再构建一个。 我们已经痛苦地用掉了 5(可能是 6?)年的生命,对仍然对结果...
虽然我们之前提到了各种软件的不同优点,之前也在少数派上看到有些老师也提到了「重器轻用」的概念,但是,「重器轻用」的前提是,各个重器都能适合自己的工作流,并能提供 all in one 软件所不能提供的功能。 这里并不是说 Fibery 在各个维度上都能超过该领域最强的软件,但它可以在至少 90% 的程度上替代其他不同...
CustomEvent只比Event多了一个detail属性,其他属性继承自 Event,故与 Event 用法一致! fire 🔥// create custom eventsconstfire =newCustomEvent('fire', {detail: {id:'007',name:'FBI'},// options ✅bubbles:true,cancelable:true,composed:true, });// add event listenerrifle.addEventListener...
DeviceMotionEvent API All In One 设备运动事件 / 设备动作事件 Warning: Currently, Firefox and Chrome do not handle the coordinates the same way. Take care about this while using them. 警告:目前,Firefox 和 Chrome 处理坐标的方式不同。
Powering Arts Events. Manage your festival, live performance event or venue with our all-in-one arts event management system.