which it hedged by selling USD 10 million forward against the NZD at an all-in forward rate of 0.7900 (USD/NZD). Three months prior to settlement date, it wants to close out this short USD forward position. Using the above table, the mark-to-market value...
FC = Fingers crossed 手指交叉,意思是保佑 FW = Forward 向前,转发(邮件) FTL = Faster than light 比光还快 F2F = Face to face 面对面 F2P = Free to play 免费玩 FAQ = Frequently asked questions 经常问到的问题 FBY = Fine by me 我可以、同意 FYI – For your information 根据你的信息 F2F/...
After the clock advances, you can either validate the current state of your scenario (and test your assumptions), change the current state of your scenario (and test more complex scenarios), or keep advancing forward in time. Endpoints POST/v1/test_helpers/test_clocksGET/v1/test_helpers/...
In this example we forward the received BLE UART data to the AT command interpreter. This way, we can submit AT commands either over the USB port or over the BLE UART port. BLE communication is only supported on the RAK4631. The RAK11310 does not have BLE.#ifdef NRF52_SERIES void ...
After the clock advances, you can either validate the current state of your scenario (and test your assumptions), change the current state of your scenario (and test more complex scenarios), or keep advancing forward in time. Endpoints POST/v1/test_helpers/test_clocksGET/v1/test_helpers/...
BBIAS = Be back in a second 马上回来 BDAY/B-DAY = Birthday 生日 CU = See you 再见 CX = Cancelled 取消了 CB = Coffee break 休息时间 CM = Call me 打给我 CT = Can’t talk 说不了话 CIO = Check it out 检查 CSL = Can’t stop laughing 忍不住笑 ...
第一篇营造归属感比一味强调All in更能提升团队投入氛围 这篇(不能All In的人别去创业公司)对每一个人都用了上帝视角其实是错的,不包容差异性的环境只有在想当然里才存在:要求每一个人都用CEO的立场,CEO的使命和CEO的付出,实质上就是【你要拿得少,你还要卖命】的苛刻,这种【又要马儿跑,又要马儿不吃草】...
Moving forward, all connections and services will evolve to 5G, and so will all bands. Huawei has developed the One 5G concept and solutions to maximize the capabilities of all bands, and facilitate in-depth coordination between bands, which lays the groundwork for the construction of efficient...
Pointwise feedforward network consists of two fully-connected layers with ReLU activation in between.Learning Rate ScheduleUse the adam optimizer with a custom learning rate scheduler according to the formula like: Model DownsidesHowever, such a strong architecture still have some downsides:For a time...
Data losses result in nearly one million enterprises going bankrupt every single year. By 2030, yottabytes of data will be produced every single year. The global data center market size is projected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 10.9% from 2023 to 2030. IDC’s All...