What Is an All-In Cost? An all-in cost consists of each and every cost involved in a financial transaction or business operation. All-in costs can be used to explain the total fees and interest included in a financial transaction, such as with a loan or certificate of deposit, or ...
1. in use ,考查句意,根据句意"我10年前买的自行车还在使用中",可知要填的词为"in use在使用中",作表语.2. at all costs,考查句意,根据句意"父母决心不惜一切代价支持女儿的大学教育",可知要填的词为"at all costs不惜一切代价".3. at random,考查句意,根据句意"随机选择街道上的一些人进行问卷调查...
赤峰黄金董秘:全部维持成本(all-insustainingcosts,简称AISC)是世界黄金协会于2013年6月引入的非公认会计准则指标,旨在更好地反映保持金矿运营的所有成本,AISC这一概念会将运营金矿并且取得收益的成本计算在内,包括一般办公支出、矿产开发和生产中的资本使用等。 赤峰黄金2021三季报显示,公司主营收入26.68亿元,同比下降23...
选词填空in vain, at all costs, focus on, straight away, bring up, get through, miss...out, at random, at any rate, wipe off1. It's not an easy task for you to a small child on your own.2. Our meeting the question of women's rights.3. Do it because the longer you wait ...
Team orders on the final day were to avoid the dreaded blank at all costs.最后一天,队里的指示就是不惜一切代价实现零的突破。5.We must find the missing document at all costs.我们无论如何得找到丢失的文件。6.He is the kind of man who would avoid becoming involved in tittle-...
at all costs/at any cost, 同义词组,表达不惜一切代价 类似单元 固定搭配词组:三组以in开头的常用搭配 为什么取名公众号i上最后的1点? i上最后的1点是一个荷兰俗语(de puntjes op de i zetten), 字面的意思就是给i上面加最后1点。引申的含义就是把事情做到最...
的价格at cost按成本价①She would like to finish her project at all costs/at any cot她愿意不惜任何代价来完成自己的计划。②She saved him from the fire, buther own life.她为了从大火中救他而付出了生命。③He bought a computer5,000 yuan.他买了一台电脑,花了5000元。④This is the lowest ...
Get away from this place at all costs! Hush, my brother is coming! Not a word of what I have said. Would you mind getting that orchid for me among the mares-tails yonder? We are very rich in orchids on the moor, though, of course, you are rather late to see the beauties of the...
at any rate:use to say that a particular fact is true in spite of what happened in the past or what may happen in the future.强调某个特殊事实在过去某种情况下是真的 在将来某个时候也是真的(纵向)at all costs:whatever is needed to achieve sth 为了达到目的而不惜任何代价....
a(a) first, in satisfaction of all costs, charges and expenses incurred, and payments made, by the Assignee, its nominee or the Receiver, and of the remuneration of its or its nominee or the Receiver; then (a) 首先,在所有费用的满意、充电和代理人付的,费用招致的和付款、它的被提名人或者...