Hikari Hanazono, a determined and hardworking student, has vowed to defeat her academic rival Kei Takishima, a genius who excels at everything he attempts. Along with their close-knit group of friends in the Special A (S.A.) class, Hikari and Kei navigate the challenges of school life,...
A Personal Perspective: I chuckled at my need to reach the level genius. But they dangled a reward, and I chased it, eyes sparkling, eyelashes fluttering. Aging I Used to Be Young, but I Got Over It Patricia Prijatel on January 14, 2024 All I ask of strangers in the store—do...
ska group the Specials, who got a co-writing credit because Wiedlin based the lyrics on some poetry he’d written her in a letter. “It was pretty personal,” Wiedlin recalled. “I mean he had a fiancee at the time — nowadays I wouldn’t touch that with a 10-foot pole, but I ...
When you play this track, you’ll find Drake’s classic style of incorporating lyrics drenched in romance, “I just love when I’m with you, yeah this shit is on ten…,” and reflection on his past as a regular dude trying to make it, even at the expense of losing old friends like...
何家的少爷子英出国学习渔业,何人斋娶了交际花薛琦. Lyrics: 歌詞: 雲兒飄在海空 魚兒藏在水中 早晨太陽里曬魚網 迎面吹過來大海風 湖水升 浪花湧 魚船兒飄飄各西東 輕撒網 緊拉繩 煙霧里辛苦等魚踪 魚兒難捕租稅重 捕魚人兒世世窮 爺爺留下的破魚網 小心再靠它過一冬 東方現出微明 星兒藏入天空 ...
Bach to me is the greatest composer who ever lived, the genius who created the most beautiful counterpoint I have ever heard, plus the basic aria of the Goldberg Variations where I am reduced to tears. I first heard Bach’s Fifth Brandenburg Concerto as a teenager in 1950, shortly after ...
November 19, 2008 Genius, Thy Name Is Obama November 12, 2008 Gop Vote Declines Less Than Nyt Profit November 5, 2008 The Reign Of Lame Falls Mainly On Mccain October 29, 2008 Red Hoax Blue Hoax October 22, 2008 Ayers: Radical Loon When Obama Was Only 47 October 15, 2008 Eight...
It is a powerful anthem of female empowerment, celebrating the versatility and strength of women. The lyrics declare that “I’m every woman, it’s all in me” and that she can do anything that a man can do, and more. The song also features a rap by Whitney, in which she pays trib...
Something Elsewas a commercial flop that nearly killed the band, but it shows off Ray Davies’ genius for writing about the secret lives of everyday people. “Waterloo Sunset” is a gorgeously chilly ballad about a lonely man watching lovers from his window; “Two Sisters” celebrates a house...
Too revolutionary, then and there, perhaps, but absolutely genre-defining and history-making in the overall picture of classical music. Stravinsky was a genius whoseRite,and works likeThe FirebirdandPetrushka,sound as unexpected and spectacular today as they did at the turn of the century. ...