If you travel North East from the Port Town Dock, you will find Hydra Island. This area requires level 1575 to 1675 to enter. Great Tree Great Tree is adjacent to Hydra Island. You can see the island to the West of the Hydra Island Dock. This area requires level 1700 to 1750 to acc...
Hydra Island1575-1675 Great Tree1700-1750 Floating Turtle1775-2000 Haunted Castle2000-2075 Sea of Treats2075-2275 Wrap Up Blox Fruits is a remarkable game in Roblox that allows you to play in different maps and locations, by leveling up you can get new maps to play in, and your main goal...
Hydra Island 1575-1675 Great Tree 1700-1750 Floating Turtle 1775-2000 Haunted Castle 2000-2075 Sea of Treats 2075-2275 Wrap Up Blox Fruits is a remarkable game in Roblox that allows you to play in different maps and locations, by leveling up you can get new maps to play in, and your ...