WoW Cataclysm Classicwill go live on May 20, Blizzard has confirmed. The pre-patch for the expansion will launch a few weeks earlier on April 30. When the pre-patch goes live, the landscape of Azeroth will change to reflect Deathwing’s destruction across the world, and many of the new ...
Developers’ notes: “Hunter pets were gaining far too much durability from hunter stats, to the point where some pets could get more than double the health and armor of a well-geared level 25 player. We still want dedicated hunters to have the ability to tank certain dungeon and raid enco...
Added the Classic Achievement DB tool. (Used to build the Achievement Data localization for pre-Wrath Achievements (TODO)) Retail: Fixed Lua error for professions without a spellID Uldum: Added coords to auto-accept quests Uldum: Battle Pets remove dummy select(1,..) function. Migrate GetSpell...
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Hunter– Orc, Dwarves, Troll Druid– Tauren, Night Elf Shaman– Orc, Troll Paladin– Dwarves, Humans Mage– Troll, Gnome, Undead Warlock– Orc, Gnome Warrior– Orc, Dwarves, Undead Advertisement You can use these to further help you decide the rest of your build byClicking/Tappingthe links...
Here comes Blizzards official overview of all the pets mounts and toys we can all collect, although were a little unsure of what the part 1 means - presumably parts 2 and so on will come with future patches? Shadowlands Collectibles (source) There are a
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as they are drawn directly from tropes and fairly straightforward. One that comes to mind is when the hunter humvee murders two innocents while a hiding Joel and Ellie watch. However, in the context of the game and characters it was surprisingly effective. TLOU is a clear case where the who...
Runes are a new feature in WoW Season of Discovery (SoD) that allow you to customize your class and spec with additional abilities and passives. They are engraved on your gear and can be swapped out of combat. There are 12 runes available for each class, split among Glov...