17. HSN Wise Summary of outward supplies and 18. HSN Wise Summary of Inward Supplies: Summary of supplies effected and received against a particular HSN code to be reported only in this table. It will be optional for taxpayers having annual turnover up to ₹ 1.50 Cr. It will be mandator...
Goods & Services Tax is a comprehensive, multi-stage, destination-based tax that will be levied on every value addition. GST HSN/SAC code is must have apps for…
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▶▶ GST Calculator With HSN Code / SAC Code Information GST calculator is specially designed to calculate the India GST on Goods and services available in India…
AMI SEMICONDUCTOR PI0000HSN 1Mb / 8P 25-關m-Pitch Wide Aperture Spectroscopic Photodiode Arrays PI0000WSN 3Mb / 8P 50-mm-Pitch Wide Aperture Spectroscopic Photodiode Arrays List of Unclassifed Man... PI01-3 2Mb / 21P IoT Bit 3G v1.6 AMI SEMICONDUCTOR PI0128WSN 3Mb / 8P 50-mm-Pi...
all kind of parts of fork lift/ material handling units, baskets, chip conveyors, heavy sheets, ms barrels, test rig attachments with / with out pipeings, etc gas cutting permitted with buyer consumables out side scrap yard hsn code:72044900 ms scrap pallets, trolleys, hydraulic tanks, covers...
Publication 02 May 2022 Document Tender Notice BOQ Amounts Tender Value Refer Document EMD Refer Document Document Cost Refer Document auction sale of personal dust sampler; make & model: arelco, cip 10, ineris ce0080 (in scrapped condition) hsn code :- 85 note:- all bidders should inspect ...
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