Clear Plastic Masks Clearance Clee Dog and Boss Hog Clem Snide Clementine Cleo Kennedy Cleo Kennedy & Carlton Reese Cleo Laine & John Dankworth The Cleverlys Clifford Antone Clifford Brown and Max Roach Quintet Clifton Chenier Climax Blues Band Clinic The Cloak Ox Clock Hands...
and facial animation is worse – but if 90% of the characters are clones, then they can all have the same face, and the apocalypse has led to the characters always wearing masks, meaning they usually don’t have visible mouths that have to move...
We got home from Wheeling right ahead of the biggest snowstorm we’ve had in a couple years. The first Monday in January we awoke to four or five inches of snow. Beth shoveled the walk in the morning and then Noah did it in the afternoon and again the following morning. It snowed mos...
Above, behind, below them in the void there hung reclining seats, stereophonic headsets, drinks trolleys, motion discomfort receptacles, disembarkation cards, duty- free video games, braided caps, paper cups, blankets, oxygen masks. Also -- for there had been more than a few migrants aboard, ...