Oculus Reparo 眼镜修复如初 Alohomora 阿拉霍洞开 Wingardium Leviosa 羽加迪姆 勒威奥撒 Lacarnum Inflamari 火焰熊熊 Petrifcus Totalus 通通石化 Lumos Solem 荧光闪烁 Immobulus 全部定身 Fera Verto 变形咒 Finite Incantatem 咒立停 Expelliarmus 除你武器 Everte Statum 悬空翻转 Serpensortia 乌龙出洞 Alart Ascenda...
The Harry Potter Coin Collections One famous boy wizard, two magical coin ranges. Discover our enchanting editions struck to celebrate Harry Potter and the wizarding world. HARRY POTTER THE BLACK LAKE HARRY POTTER THE WINGED KEYS PROFESSOR ALBUS DUMBLEDORE HOGWARTS SCHOOL HARRY POTTER HOGWARTS EXPRESS...
Find news about the Harry Potter books, movies, spinoffs, show, J.K. Rowling controversy, Fantastic Beasts series & more - Culturess
Not only was she a member of Gryffindor, but she also served as the Head of Gryffindor House during Harry Potter's time at the school. Provided by: Fandom REPORT ISSUE What is the role of Professor McGonagall in the Harry Potter series? Professor Minerva McGonagall plays a pivotal ...
In 1981, baby Harry Potter "defeated" Lord Voldemort in his family home at Godric's Hollow after his parents James and Lily Potter (both members of the Order of the Phoenix) were murdered whilst protecting their son from harm. The fall of Voldemort ultimately ended the war and his ...
All Harry Potter Characters from all 7 books.Ferbooch
Build a Bear released new Harry Potter bears(warning: these are extremely adorable), LEGO released anew Diagon Alley set(complete with animmersive AR experienceon their website) and the general release of our new pin seeking collections went live today, including Hogwarts house themed pins t...
Harry Potter New York is the first official Harry Potter flagship store, located in the heart of New York City next to the iconic Flatiron building at 935 Broadway. Filled with photo opportunities,…
Domhnall Gleeson(多姆纳尔·格里森)是一位出生于爱尔兰都柏林的男演员,在2010年他出演《哈利·波特与死亡圣器(下)》(Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2)在其中扮演比尔·韦斯莱一角。 凭借这部电影,Domhnall Gleeson 获得了观众的关注。
In this article, we delve into the world of famous wizard names, exploring the greatest wizards of all time who have left an indelible mark on popular culture. Whether it's the famous wizards in Harry Potter or the iconic wizard cartoon characters that defined our childhoods, each has...