On the other hand, small breeds are great for apartment living and are incredibly easy to travel with, however you need to consider the time of year you are looking at bringing your small breed puppy home. It is incredibly important that you begin walking your puppy from the first day you...
A heterozygous black hamster is mated with a white hamster. What will be the phenotype ratio of their offspring? a) 100% black b) 1 :1 black to white c) 3:1 black to white d) All whi A bro...
Herding breeds are loyal and hard working, but can also be very stubborn. The old idea that you need to roll-dominate a dog has fallen aside to better training methods of teaching pack order. Now leashing a dog and making them sit and wait when you go in and out doors, having them ...
There are a number of dog breeds that look rather foxy. If you see a dog that looks like it's half fox and half poodle (for example), chances are that the 'fox' half is actually an American Eskimo (Spitz), Shelte, Pemboke Welsh Corgi, or even a Samoyed - all of whom have foxy...
If you have a hamster, rabbit, or bird, don’t expect these little dogs to adjust because they have astrongprey drive. Anything that decides to run away from them will get chased. It can be a good thing if you have vermin or unwanted small animals in and around your house. ...