Action Pilot [yellow]1994 Action Pilot [blue]1994 Action Sailor [black]1994 Action Sailor [orange]1994 Action Soldier - 1994 Adventure Team Commander - 2010 Aero-Viper - 1989 Aero-Viper (v2) - 2009 Agent Courtney Krieger - 2006 Agent Faces - 2003 Agent Faces (v2/Mail-In)...
Note that GitHub might disable action trigger if no activity in the repo for 60 days. 1016 rssTea: a RSS reader and Podcast player Progressive Web App running on GitHub Actions 1375 GARSS 973 osmos::feed 1012: a web-based RSS reader running entirely on GitHub RSSeveryday 1016 Bubo...
General Units and dimensions, dimensional analysis; least count, significant figures Methods of measurement and error analysis for physical quantities about the following experiments Experiments based on using Vernier callipers and screw gauge (micrometre) Determination of g using a simple pendulum Young’...
slowkow/ggrepel - 📍 Repel overlapping text labels away from each other in your ggplot2 figures. collectivemedia/tictoc - R package with extended timing functions tic/toc, as well as stack and list structures. HenrikBengtsson/R.cache - ♻️ R package: R.cache - Fast and Light-weight...
Without a doubt, the Battat line of dinosaur figures is one of the most famous that has ever been produced. Since its original release back in the mid-1990s’ and up to its most recent revival, so much has been said about the line that it is safe to skip all the history behind it....
Kawauchi claims that she burned away her old self and was reborn herself. In her book Halo, she continues to explore that theme with different rituals at other locations. She traveled to Izumo, Japan to witness a ritual that involves the lighting of sacred flames to welcome the gods. She ...
on the character’s lower abdomen. A wide shot from behind the character reveals that he is standing either were the sea level has dropped dramatically, the beach littered with everything from huge whales to fish and five figures levitating up in the sky overlooking the character and the ...
We’re bringers, bringing our brand halo to a hungry audience that’s overwhelmed by choice. Okay, it’s week two of the Death March With Cocktails and Tim may have gone a little loopy. But we’ve still got loads of information from winter press tour, including baiting Donald Trump, AB...
Erika Ishii will be joining Nicolas Roye inHalo Infiniteas the voice of Lumu. Her voice can also be found behindFortnite’s Mari,Deathloop’s Wenjie, andDestiny 2’s Ana Bray and Kridis. Beyond acting in games, she also appears in several TTRPG series. ...
Sega will release Sonic the hedgehog anniversary figures Serious Sam 3: BFE again in Russia Servers Star Wars: Galaxies will go into offline Shadow of the Colossus and Ico in HD for the PS3 will appear in September Shift 2 will get a second DLC next week Shift 2: Unleashed: revolution in...