# 输出到文件,避免 man 分页问题$ man grep >> man-grep.md# 手动复制 cat ✅$catman-grep.md# 都不好使,pbcopy 乱码 bug ❌$catman-grep.md | pbcopy $ man grep | pbcopy GREP(1) General Commands Manual GREP(1) NAME grep, egrep, fgrep, rgrep, bzgrep, bzegrep, bzfgrep, zgrep, zegrep...
# tail -f -n +0 access.log | grep -i --line-buffered 'firefox' | goaccess -o report.html --real-time-html - Multiple Log files There are several ways to parse multiple logs with GoAccess. The simplest is to pass multiple log files to the command line: ...
不需要正则的话,用fgrep可以提速 不过这样优化总是治标不治本,下面隆重推出linux 里面parallel all cmds的perl工具 1 cat allpassseed.txt |parallel --pipe --no-notice grep -f xxxxx.password 使用parallel ,和不使用parallel直接grep。结果显而易见,相差 20 倍。这比用啥 ack,ag优化效果明显多了 xargs也有...
Linux shell regular expression All In One2023-04-2715.How to fix IP filter regular expressions written using grep command in Linux shell script All In One2023-04-2616.Linux shell script programming All In One2023-04-2217.Linux shell script redirection All In One2023-04-2018.How to use ...
If you are curious and want to know how many people seed the UI on IPFS, here is the magic command (it may take a while to return the answer as ipfs will search for about 1 minute): ipfs dht findprovs QmTejwB7mJPBHBoqubjzHSgSxfLMcjnZA3LFefqoQc87VJ | wc -l If you are current...
登录Linux客户端,执行rpm -qa | grep minicom命令。 若已安装Minicom软件,则回显Minicom软件版本号,例如: [root@localhost ~]# rpm -qa |grep minicom [root@localhost ~]# minicom-2.3- 此时请执行5配置Minicom软件。 若没有安装Minicom,则无回显信息。执行2、3和4安装软件。 将Minicom安装包和rzsz...
This grep command will give you a precise result when you are searching for specific text on Linux - grep -inRsH "Text to be searched" /path/to/dir (it can be '.') i stands for ignore case distinctions R stands for recursive and it also include symlinks. It is better to use '...
grep -q "CONFIG_ARM64=y" ${BUILDDIR}/.config if [ $? = 0 ]; then arch=arm64 fi fi tmp=$(echo "${defconfig}" | tr - _) cross_compile=$(eval echo '$CROSS_COMPILE_'${tmp}) cross_compile_set=$(eval echo '${CROSS_COMPILE_'${tmp}'+set}') if [ "${cross_...
$basecommand$_platform$_arch$_icon$_options>out 2>error ifgrep-iqERROR error;# check if the error output contains "Error" then echo-e"|${OUTPUT_RED}failed to compile, reason: (check error file for details)${OUTPUT_NC}" caterror |grep-iERROR ...
All releases To verify that/etc/cluster/cluster.conffile was properly propagated run the following command before and after editing and propagating the file to all nodes in the cluster: Raw # cman_tool status | grep "Config Version:"