and tenders for all remaining scrap in the three Islands, cleaning up 15 acres at the landfill. 2010 年,领土政府审议了将废物转化为能源的提案,并签署了合同,从乔治 敦垃圾填埋场清除出 6 000 吨废金属边角料,并对三个岛所有其 余的 废 料拆 除进 行招标,清理 15 英亩垃圾填... 代理主席女士,剛才夏佳理議員提出修訂,要求將寬限期推廣至每㆒個㆞盤及直至與承建商之間的合約結束為止。 Once approved by the Fund’s Executive Board, the policy, which is mandatory for IFAD,willapplytoall projectsandprogrammes with indigenous ...
contractors whose tenders have [...] 4 (4) (a) 在两阶段招标程序的第二阶段,采购实体应当邀请投标书未被否决的5 所有供应商或承包商就采购标的单 一说 明提交列明价格的最后投标书。 [...] should not be considered the norm and that the procuring...
process and section, the wage levels of cleansing women, bar tenders, food sorters and cooks will all in turn be pushed up. 以餐飲業為例,幾乎每個工序及部門均須聘用清潔工人,如果實行最低 工資,清潔阿嬸、水吧、“執碼”及廚師的工資水平便會逐一推高;繼而按 薪酬計算的勞工保險、...
decision (e.g.howpricesareindicated),falls outside the regulatory reach of the TDO. [...] 為增加對消費者的保障,《商品說明條例》已獲修訂, 使 任何與貨品(包括相關服務)有關的虛假陳述,一律須予 禁止。
the vote of the senior who tenders a vote, whether in person or by proxy, will be accepted to the exclusion of the vote(s) of the other joint holder(s) and for this purpose seniority shall be determined as that one of the said persons so present whose name stands first on the regist... The term "Cruise" means all water transportation aboard the Vessel and the Vessel's tenders from the port of embarkation to the port of final destination which Carrier agree to provide to Guest pursuant to this Passage Contract. b. 「航海」是指船舶和补给船由起... 他詢問,政府 當局有否規定私營醫院須提交有關其業務的財政 資料,當中包括成本、支出和純利。 [...] provided that (a) the Credit Union fundsand netassets be placed in a special account administered separately from all other fundsandassets administered by FAO...
process and section, the wage levels of cleansing women, bar tenders, food sorters and cooks will all in turn be pushed up. 以餐飲業為例,幾乎每個工序及部門均須聘用清潔工人,如果實行最低 工資,清潔阿嬸、水吧、“執碼”及廚師的工資水平便會逐一推高;繼而按 薪酬計算的勞工保險、...
the vote of the senior who tenders a vote, whether in person or by proxy, will be accepted to the exclusion of the vote(s) of the other joint holder(s) and for this purpose seniority shall be determined as that one of the said persons so present whose name stands first on the regist...