Genshin Impact’s Traveleris the general name given to the twin you choose – who otherwise canonically go by Aether or Lumine. The Traveler can switch between anemo, geo, electro, dendro, and hydro elements by resonating with Statues of The Seven around the world map (you need to do a ...
Gain a 12% Elemental DMG Bonus for all elements and receive the might of the Mistsplitter's Emblem. At stack levels 1/2/3, the Mistsplitter's Emblem provides a 8/16/28% Elemental DMG Bonus for the character's Elemental Type. The character will obtain 1 stack of Mistsplitter's Emblem...
Genshin Impact offers both the classic single-player mode and the cross-platform co-op mode for up to four players. Pre-registeration on Google Play and Apple App Store has opened today, and all players can invite friends to pre-register together via Genshin Impact’s official website at ...
Genshin Impact has become a wildly popular RPG game in recent years, with a vast array of diverse and unique characters. However, fans have raised ...
Each region and element is represented by one Archon. Just as there are seven regions and seven elements, so too are there seven Archons. This group is commonly referred to simply as “The Seven.” Related:Genshin Impactroadmap and upcoming patch release dates ...
While the Genshin Impact developers try to stay away from basing Teyvat’s regions on real-world locations, it’s pretty clear that Inazuma is based on Japan – specifically the Edo period of Japan’s history. You can see this in the food, the design elements, the political structure, and...
Genshin Impact Update 1.30 February 3 Patch Notes (All That Glitters); 〓Compensation〓 1. Maintenance Compensation: Primogems ×300 (60 Primogems for every hour the servers are down) 2. Issue Fix Compensation: Primogems ×300 (Please refer to the relevant compensation mail for more details) ...
Genshin Impact has become a wildly popular RPG game in recent years, with a vast array of diverse and unique characters. However, fans have raised ...
RPG already offers several dozen hours of gameplay as it stands, it features only two of the planned seven cities: Mondstadt and Liyue Harbor. In thisGenshin Impact main city guidewe're going to share with you the names, elements, and architectural styles of the upcoming Genshin Impact ...
[, opts]);[, opts]); genshindb.elements(query[, opts]); genshindb.enemies(query[, opts]); genshindb.foods(query[, opts]); genshindb.geographies(query[, opts]); genshindb.materials(query[, opts]); genshindb.namecards(query[, opts]); genshindb.outfits(...