If you watchedthis week’s Nintendo Direct, you’ll know that there were a lot of games announced. But a tweet today fromNintendoreally underscored how many games they crammed into those 46 minutes when they put them all in one nice-looking graphic: In fact, that image may actually underco...
A collection of the first sixMegaMangames; this title offers a lot of content for fans to collect in game. The game will have exclusive challenges that can only be accessed using aMegaManamiibo.On that note there was also a new gold coloredMegaman amiiboannounced. It can only be obtained...
Subscribe toNintendo LifeonYouTube787k We need more rhythm games on the Switch, and thanks to developer 7th Beat Games, we're getting one in the form of A Dance of Fire and Ice. This one-button rhythm game is based on strict timing and follows two orbs — one fire,...
Your guide to the Game Boy's greatest games - On Friday 21st April 1989, Nintendo launched the Game Boy in Japan and changed the landscape of video games for...
to its library Capcom's Monster Hunter series and two new titles in the Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles series from Square Enix. It is explained that landing those titles could help change the Wii's image as a machine that's too low-powered to handle the industry's most advanced games.Hal...
(Image credit: Bit Loom Games) Co-op style: Online and localPlatform(s): PC, Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One (also on Game Pass) Completing Phogs definitely requires plenty of cooperation as you and your pal will take control of a two-headed sausage dog - each of you taking one of ...
游戏新闻 《艾尔登法环》DLC“黄金树之影”开发进展顺利 DLC的发售时间还未宣布,但开发进展非常顺利 游戏新闻 《星空》开发者:部分星球空旷是刻意设计 并不无聊 一位B社开发者在回应玩家批评时为游戏星球缺少内容进行了辩护 游戏新闻 世嘉年度游戏销量报告:《索尼克》系列达16亿部 你买了吗? 1 2 3 4 5 专栏...
GamesIndustry.biz询问了业界多个分析师关于《使命召唤:黑色行动6》发售将对Game Pass订阅产生什么影响。虽然回答迥异,但普遍的共识是《黑色行动6》将会促进Game Pass订阅上涨数百万(250万-400万)。安培首席游戏分析师Piers Harding-Rolls认为,《黑色行动6》的发售将会致使Game Pass Ultimate订阅用户提高10%,意味着大约...
Nintendo announces Switch 2 Direct for April Image: The Verge Now that Nintendo’s reveal of the Switch 2 has put to rest years of anticipation and rumormongering, it’s time to hear more information about the console and, importantly, all the games. The company has announced it will hold...
Super Mario 3D All-Star CONFIRMED By Surprise Nintendo Direct: Directed by Jeremy Griggs. With Jeremy Griggs.