Time Squad is an American animated television series created by Dave Wasson for Cartoon Network, and the tenth of the network's Cartoon Cartoons. It follows the adventures of a trio of hapless "time cops" who travel back in time attempting to correct the course of history. The series...
The small story elements that link Pokémon Yellow back to the anime were a fun way to let the player relive the beginning of Ash’s journey, but ultimately, Pokémon Yellow is simply one of the best ways to experience the Pokémon universe – it's as simple as that. - Miranda Sanchez ...
Odd Squad Filip Geljo, Dalila Bela, Sean Michael Kyer 41 votes Bizarre problems meet their match in this fun-filled show starring a group of kid agents armed with clever gadgets and math skills. With its quirky humor, entertaining mysteries, and educational elements, it's a brilliant choice ...
hooking up in a south central music workshop, the pharcyde brought fresh artistry and exuberance to hip-hop. over a track that bopped like the bomb squad on a beach getaway, four distinct rappers complemented each other with quippy charm – to member slimkid3, this song was like “a ...
Every Chuck D rhyme was intentional, intellectual and insightful, amplified by his imperial voice and emboldened by the beautiful bluster of The Bomb Squad’s (P.E. in house producers) beats. Meanwhile, Flavor Flav’s always-hype energy was the perfect X factor, bringing needed humor and ...
Lounge Love Song Christmas Valentine's Day new Year Business barking age popular Log in Alpha SquadFollow single play all 03:12 collect Feel It(Radio Edit) Alpha Squad 0 plays· Audio Player -- -- 点击这里分享您喜欢的歌曲! 00:00 / 00:00 Next song 0 --> --> --> ...
Makes a lovely double with ‘Billy Liar’, only Billy never got duffed up by squaddies. Alas… DJ Advertising 23. Lawrence of Arabia (1962) "Lawrence of Arabia" Director David LeanCast Peter O’Toole, Omar Sharif, Alec Guinness At the time of its release in 1962, David Lean’s desert...
“It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back” is a masterclass in production by The Bomb Squad, building on layers of funk samples for a display that’s often dizzying. But “Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos” is an exception. The noise takes a backseat to the greatest verses ...
“I think it was Public Enemy’s and Spike Lee’s defining moment because it had awoken the Black community to a revolution that was akin to the Sixties revolution, where you had Martin Luther King or Malcolm X,” the Bomb Squad’s Hank Shocklee once said. “It made the entire hip-ho...
“Cherry” is unusually sour and cynical by Lust for Life’s standards. Lana describes a strange relationship, built on her own sacrifice, that constantly ruins her: “Love, is it real love?/ It’s like smilin’ when the firin’ squad’s against you/ And you just stay lined up.”“Ch...