In a world where most humans possess superpowers or "Quirks," Izuku Midoriya is one of the few born without them. Despite this, he dreams of becoming a hero like his idol All Might. After a fateful meeting with All Might, Izuku gains his own Quirk "One for All" and enrolls in U....
Despite being born powerless in a super-powered world, Izuku never gives up on becoming a hero. Dig Deeper The Best 'My Hero Academia' Fanfiction, Ranked Also ranks #1 on The 100+ Best Anime Streaming On Hulu 2 The Seven Deadly Sins 2014 23,106 votes Story of Elizabeth, the pri...
All Might passes his Quirk down to Izuku, and the boy enrolls in an elite academy for heroes-in-training. This series has everything superhero fans could want, all wrapped up in one stakes-filled package. 13. One-Punch Man (2009) Buy on Amazon Add to library 💡 Status: Ongoing Lots...
In a world where most humans possess superpowers or "Quirks," Izuku Midoriya is one of the few born without them. Despite this, he dreams of becoming a hero like his idol All Might. After a fateful meeting with All Might, Izuku gains his own Quirk "One for All" and enrolls in ...
In a world where most humans possess superpowers or "Quirks," Izuku Midoriya is one of the few born without them. Despite this, he dreams of becoming a hero like his idol All Might. After a fateful meeting with All Might, Izuku gains his own Quirk "One for All" and enrolls in...
In a world where most humans possess superpowers or "Quirks," Izuku Midoriya is one of the few born without them. Despite this, he dreams of becoming a hero like his idol All Might. After a fateful meeting with All Might, Izuku gains his own Quirk "One for All" and enrolls in U....
There are some shows like One Piece who are known for having amazing English dub quotes. Or maybe the nostalgia of the anime English dub is what makes it shine, like with childhood classic Howl's Moving Castle. We know that everyone has their own preferences, so we're letting you ...