FindAllMarkers寻找差异基因报错解决办法 跑findallmarker的时候,总是提示运行JoinLayers,但是运行后又出现下面的错误Error in UseMethod(generic = "JoinLayers", object = object) : no applicable method for 'JoinLayers' applied to an object of class "c('SCTAssay', 'Assay', 'KeyMixin')", 后面发现了...
Hi, I have the same Seurat object and calculated marker genes using FindAllMarkers for each group. In version 4.1.1. I got 198 Marker genes, in newer version (4.2.0) using the same command I got 31 genes. What has changed? Also, which as...
这是一个已经注释过的数据,这时通常我们会利用Seurat内置的FindAllMarkers()来计算各细胞类型的marker基因,我们来看一下计算时间: system.time({seu_marker <- FindAllMarkers(scRNA)}) ## Calculating cluster VSMC ## Calculating cluster T cell ## Calculating cluster Macro ## Calculating cluster B cell #...
随着细胞数量的增加,使用 FindAllMarkers进行标志基因分析的速度变得很慢,因此笔者就把几种常用的标志基因检测工具都用来试了试。 步骤流程 1.导入 代码语言:javascript 复制 rm(list=ls())V5_path="/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.4-arm64/Resources/seurat5/".libPaths(V5_path).libPaths()library(...
Yet you still somehow find the time to lie to hubby number two that you really, really wanna give him a child with his chin and pretty brown eyes. 对我你不用撒谎,我又不是你丈夫!你是个超级妈妈,能上天入地:一周要工作7天,还要做志愿者、带孩子,哪怕都忙成这鬼样子了,你居然还能抽出空来...
但是, 最开始我们得到几十个单细胞亚群的时候,就需要对每个亚群找一下各自的单细胞亚群特异性高表达基因,通常是使用Seurat包的FindAllMarkers函数,这个函数的帮助文档写的是:Finds markers (differentially expressed genes) for each of the identity classes in a dataset ,默认使用 Wilcoxon Rank Sum test (default...
这是一个已经注释过的数据,这时通常我们会利用Seurat内置的FindAllMarkers()来计算各细胞类型的marker基因,我们来看一下计算时间: system.time({seu_marker <- FindAllMarkers(scRNA)}) ## Calculating cluster VSMC ## Calculating cluster T cell ## Calculating cluster Macro ...
首先看看 cosg 函数的结果是否都在前面的 Seurat包的FindAllMarkers函数结果里面: findG = split(sce.markers$gene,sce.markers$cluster)names(findG)tmp = do.call(rbind , lapply(names(findG), function(x){ table(marker_cosg$names[,x] %in% findG[[x]]) }))rownames(tmp) = names(findG)tmp ...
Hi Seurat team, I passed an integrated SingleCellExperiment object to Seurat by as. seurat funtion with counts = NULL. However, FindVariableFeatures function cannot allocate vector of size 2.1 Gb (6 batches of scRNAseq data). It works we...