Martin Lawrence is a comedic powerhouse who first gained fame through his hit sitcom Martin and went on to star in numerous successful film franchises like Bad Boys and Big Momma's House. Lawrence's ability to make audiences laugh while also delivering heartfelt performances has solidified him...
is a series of crossover fighting video games published by Nintendo and primarily features characters from various Nintendo franchises. The series was created by Masahiro Sakurai, who has directed every game in the series. The series features many characters from Nintendo's most popular franchises,...
Through a solid and unique gameplay on top of an epic storyline, discover the TEKKEN franchise. With over 45 million games sold, the TEKKEN series is the bestselling fighting game franchise of all times .
In the flood of new fighting game franchises that were introduced in the mid-90s, Soulcalibur separated itself from the pack because the core gameplay mechanics were so strong. Any fighter – whether a ninja, pirate, knight, or warrior monk – could challenge any other and the outcome would...
as well as one of the most hotly competitive fighting games, a split that has resulted in two different audiences for the series. What’s perhaps most amazing about Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, however, is how it delivers a fightinggame for Nintendo Switchthat is just as fun for the casual...
2D. This was a first for the cast ofTekken, who had been fighting in three dimensions since their creation. Having the includedTekkencharacters play like 2D fighting game characters was very interesting, as was seeing how the seemingly disparate play styles of the franchises could work together...
If there's any franchise that could literally stand on par with the Tekken Franchise, Street Fighter would surely be the contender anyone will have on their minds. In fact, there have always been massive debates as to what between them can be considered the best fighting game ever. Both are...
Between hidden truths and betrayals, Luke's life will change forever as he explores the world of Auldrant. Watch trailer 2005 Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology Life in the world of Terresia owes its existence to its World Tree which weakens day by day. With the last of its power,...
the best Xbox One games, you know you're experiencing something special. Whether you're looking play some of the best Xbox Game Pass games or revisit some classics that went on to pave the way for the Series X, we've collected the 30 greatest hits from across the console's back ...
Distribution of keys in the game `PTA` Sindar Doom 4: The first details Doom enabled again in Germany after 20 year ban Double Dragon II revived for Xbox Live Arcade Dragon Age 2 supplemented by three addons Dragon Age III: Details of the plot Dragon `s Dogma: the details of the commo...