making it the longest-running science fiction series in the U.S. The show follows FBI agents Fox Mulder (David Duchovny), a believer in the existence of aliens and the paranormal, and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson), a skeptical scientist assigned to ...
Set in the American Southwest in the 1970s, the series centers on the FBI's first Black female agent (Rachel Hilson, Red, White & Royal Blue), who teams up with a getaway driver (Josh Holloway, Lost) in order to take down a formidable crime syndicate. — B.E. Starring: Rachel ...
It's astounding that a show this strange was able to land a network TV time slot in the early 1990s. The show follows the investigation of FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan) into the murder of a homecoming queen in a Washington logging town. While the premise makes it sound ...
Two FBI agents, Fox Mulder and Dana Scully, investigate X-files—unsolved cases that hinge on the paranormal—in this cult-followed series created by Chris Carter. David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson star in the science fiction drama, seeking the existence of extraterrestrial life. Following its 1...
Over 1K TV viewers have voted on the 130+ shows on Most Exciting Thriller Series Ever Made. Current Top 3: Breaking Bad, Hannibal, Dexter
It's astounding that a show this strange was able to land a network TV time slot in the early 1990s. The show follows the investigation of FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan) into the murder of a homecoming queen in a Washington logging town. While the premise makes it sound...
Led by one of the greatest unlikely duos in TV history, David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson's chemistry made fans fall in love with the show as the bickering FBI agents explored murders, vampires, folkloric myths, and more. Chris Carter's creation went on to become the longest running sci...
The X Filesis an American science fiction drama television series that revolves around FBI special agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully as they work their way through a series of unsolved paranormal cases, known as X-Files. The show aired from September 10, 1993, to May 19, 2002, spawning 202...
Jessica Camacho’s next TV role is a badass agent who doesn’t take crap from anyone, not even Jensen Ackles.Camacho has been cast opposite the former Supernatural star in Prime Video’s Countdown, a new thriller from #OneChicago franchise veteran and FBI: International co-creator Derek Haas...
A US district judge rules that the FBI's warrantless "backdoor" searches of FISA's Section 702 databases violate the Fourth Amendment (Patrick G. Eddington/Cato Institute) Sources: Sam Altman told some colleagues that OpenAI and SoftBank will each commit $19B to Stargate, and OpenAI would ...