words.txt words.zip words_alpha.txt words_alpha.zip words_dictionary.json words_dictionary.zip README.md english-words A text file containing 466k English words. While searching for a list of english words (for an auto-complete tutorial) I found: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/...
words_dictionary.zip Removed zoogrpahy and remade archives Mar 14, 2019 List Of English Words A text file containing over 466k English words. While searching for a list of english words (for an auto-complete tutorial) I found:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2213607/how-to-get-english-la...
What3Words (Independent Publisher) WhatIsMyBrowser (Independent Publisher) WhatsApp (Independent Publisher) WithoutWire Inventory Platform Witivio WMATA (Independent Publisher) WooCommerce Woodpecker (Independent Publisher) Word Cloud by Textvis (Independent Publisher) Word Online (Business) WordPress Workable...
英语全部音标(AllEnglishphoneticsymbols) AllEnglishphoneticsymbols,.Txt Sortbysymmetry 20consonants 3nasalsounds 2.5vowel 3similarPinyin 20vowels [p][b][m][w][h][i:][i][t][d][n][j][r][E:][E][k][g] [N][l][C:][C][f][v][u:][u][s][z][B:][Q][W][T][e[A] [F]...
b) Regurgitate = spewing up words all over the page or screen. Again, ’nuff said. c) “PORCO” lacks affordance. That is, the word and its connotations don’t suggest what it’s for. Where’s the link between smelly swine, dirty old men and good writing? Or maybe I’m missing so...
He ex would look somehow unidy. Moreover, i would be someimes quie hard o undersand he words. That is the problem with OUCH!-typing. Errors and typos irritate you and make poor impression on the addressee of the text. Real and solid skill of Touch-Typing which we teach, is strikingly...
In other words, if the loading time is long, the entire application will stop there and wait. This is not a problem for the server side, because all modules are stored in the local hard disk and can be loaded synchronously. The waiting time is the read time of the hard disk. However...
To say China is “between the two”, as though St Kitts and Nevis and India represent equivalent weights in the world economy, is playing games with words rather than carrying out serious analysis. This elementary statistical rule is particularly relevant given that the number of developed ...
words_aug_join_char: "" # the join char between words to augment - suffix_filter: # filter to keep samples with specified suffix. suffixes: [] # the suffix of text that will be keep. For example: '.txt', 'txt' or ['txt', '.pdf', 'docx'] - text_action_filter: # filter...