2) “Ihgirî ni-hun!” (Go right into them) I consider this line the most doubtful of all, as I have mixed feelings about the radicals used in the first word (it isn’t quite clearly pronounced unfortunately). After much consideration I went with the listed translation. Reason for thi...
Sort Mentions - Sort usernames alphabetically for mentions in Slack, Twitter and other apps @Yamen code api@^1.55.2 Speed Dial - Stop asking for meeting URLs and add them to Speed Dial to open with one click @osama_aamer code api@^1.50.3 utils@^1.7.1 TFL - Viewing public transport de...
Listed alphabetically. Fake Quotes are first, followed by “Fake Buddha Stories,”“Fakeish Quotes” and then “Other Posts,” which don’t deal with individual quotes. Quotes I’ve been asked about that are verified can be foundon another page, and we have a sister site,Real Buddha Quotes...
Would have been even better if the films were simply listed alphabetically – ranking is unnecessarily problematic. Reply Ronald Hall December 23, 2022 at 11:37 pm I printed up an alphabetical list and it demonstrated just what you mean. Personally, I prefer lists like; 25 best comedies; ...
List of Caroline Records artists, listed alphabetically with photos when available. This Caroline Records roster includes both past and present artists.
Would have been even better if the films were simply listed alphabetically – ranking is unnecessarily problematic. Reply Ronald Hall December 23, 2022 at 11:37 pm I printed up an alphabetical list and it demonstrated just what you mean. Personally, I prefer lists like; 25 best comedies; ...
List of Capitol Records artists, listed alphabetically with photos when available. This Capitol Records roster includes both past and present artists. Popular ...
numerical literacy and forgotten what the basics of physical literacy are. I think in our race to become more and more educated alphabetically, we have lost the fundamental of physical movement and it brings us back to our early days when our own native games used to have so much physical ...
Show collections alphabetically. Get permission from any private collectors first. Avoid listing your Aunt Beth as a collector. Collaborative Projects 150 Times is the Charm, Hudspeth Theater, Boothbay Harbor, ME (performance in collaboration with Cynthia Blaisdelle) ...
Citations for all sources used in the paper are listed alphabetically by the author's last name (or title if there is no author). The second and subsequent lines of each citation are indented. 5. Citation Styles: The citation style includes specific formats for various types of sources, suc...