Blending romance with supernatural elements, it captures the complexity of human emotions. Its stunning animation and poignant story have made it one of the most successful anime movies ever. Following closely is A Silent Voice, an emotional story that addresses bullying and redemption. This film's...
Punishment Demon TEXT VIEW OF NAMES Section 0 Section 0 Aria Unsorted Cloe Unsorted Corona Unsorted Melissa Unsorted Nine Unsorted Noir Unsorted Peruru Unsorted Rio Unsorted Sado Unsorted Tsukuyomi Unsorted Ur Unsorted Links 角色 添加一个角色
Dragon Slayer 搜索 动画 角色 Quotes All Characters in Dungeon Crusaderz ~TALES OF DEMON EATER~ Pic CV Romaji Japanese Furigana Aliases Ayame Neuendorf アヤメ=ノイエンドルフ Cecilia Wainsearth セシリア=ウェンスアース Chiriera キリエラ Claudia Krauses クローディア・クラウジース ...
His powers are heavily influenced by his emotions, with each emotional upset bringing him ever closer to an explosion of psychic energy. 2,128 votes Powerful shonen MC? 4 Monkey D. Luffy - 'One Piece' Photo: One Piece Toei Animation After eating the Gum-Gum Fruit,...
Bel’Veth is a creation made from the raw materials of a city devoured by the Void. She symbolizes the end of Runeterra itself and the start of a monstrous reality by her own design. Bel’Veth constantly hungers for sensation, knowledge, and emotions which she feeds upon. Yet it is neve...
Death Battle’s return continues with Bowser VS. Doctor Eggman! Who will win between these two iconic video game villains! Cool Collectibles!See all posts Cool CollectiblesManga Strike a Pose! Volume 1 of “JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Shining Diamond’s Demonic Heartbreak” heads to shelves next...
As far as sweet and comforting romances go,I’ve Always Loved Youfinds its place at the top. The way the series blends tender moments and subtle emotions of the characters and then forces you to face a hard truth creates a sense of intimacy and authenticity. Its characters are relatable, ...
kill shot in under three minutes. More than anyone else at the time, Kittie understood the power they wielded. “There’s something magical aboutSpitin general,” Landerreflectedin 2021. “You can feel our youth, our anger, all these emotions that made Kittie who we were back then.”—K...
The catch is that his own supernatural powers are tied to his emotions. If he gets pushed over the edge, the entire world is in peril. This series thrives on the strength of its humor, its small but memorable cast of characters and its dynamic visual style. ...
Muichiro began expressing more emotions and became more confident in himself and started caring more for his peers in theDemon Slayer Corps. He also started exhibiting emotions common for someone his age, particularly childishness and immaturity when interacting with his otherDemon Slayers. He also ap...