Once you locate the HS code for your item, you can look up the duty rate applicable to the goods and start the calculation. Example of Customs Duty Calculation You are planning to ship 2000 Umbrellas, worth TWD 100 each to Taiwan. Step 1: Multiply the Total Value of 2000...
85. PHILIPS / COLOR KINETICS ; ZCX400 100-240V ; Data Enabler Pro Item Number : 106-000004-00 ; 12NC : 910503701210 86. PHILIPS ALULine 12V 50W B15d 25D R56 ;Halogen 12V 50W : Type NR : 6439 87. * PHILIPS / COLOR KINETICS ;PDS-70Mr P/N : 109-000018-01 12NC :910503700099 Z...