Some of the stronger Pokemon can only be caught in Max Raids, which you can start at the red beams in the Wild Area (just south of Motostoke city). And some come from hatching eggs. Sword Exclusive Catchables: Nuleaf, Seedot, Swirlix, Scraggy, Sawk, Rufflet, Solrock, Gothita, Braviar...
Scrambled Eggs Puzzle Screamer Driving & Racing Scripture Quest Miscellaneous Scubaman's Quest Action Scud Atak Classic Scud Attack Classic SDI2040 Classic Sea Battle Simulation / Strategy Sea Dragon Space Shooting Sea Hunt Traditional (Board Games) Sea Quest Simulation / Strategy Sea Run Puzzle Sea ...
Andy’s Spanish Eggs Birthday Breakfasts Panini at Home March Dinner Party The Hillel Sandwich Passover – day 1 Passover – day 2 Passover Tuna Melt Memorial Day Pig Armenian Sunday Feast September Dinner Party (gazpacho) New Year’s Feast Breakfast = Carbs + Salt Margari...
Many of the game’s narrative payoffs and rewards also involve easter eggs, recurring cast members, and an entire sidequest system required to make longtime franchise protagonist Kazuma Kiryu stronger, the Life Links system, involves reuniting with characters from previous games who may have been le...