While the two dwarf planetsappear to have very similar surfaces, their interiors are likely quitedisparate. Since Eris is apparently much denser, it probably contains more rockand less ice than Pluto, Brown said. Why are these two far-flungbodies made of different stuff? One possibility, accordi...
“In this catalog, there are something like 15 systems like this: star plus planet plus white dwarf,” he said, “and there are another few hundred that are star plus planet plus another star. Those are also potentially interesting because, in some cases, the other star will do something ...
causing the core to crush itself down to around the size of planet Earth. A white dwarf can reach temperatures approaching 200,000 degrees Fahrenheit, which is over 10 times the temperature of the sun's surface. However, that is significantly colder than the current core of the ...
Hindering your goal are random events such as solar eclipses (which can render your solar panels inactive) and also a different, hostile alien race that inhabits the planets in the many scenarios at offer. Not only do you have to be a good mayor but you also have to be ...
Vegetation is dominated by mosses, lichens, dwarf trees and scattered woody shrubs. EF or polar ice caps has a surface that is permanently covered with snow and ice. Factors Influencing the World Climatic Regions: The climate of a particular place is the function of a number of factors. ...
The size and shapes of asteroids vary significantly, including even dwarf planets, but not planets. Of the roughly one million known asteroids[1] the great number of them are located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, approximately 2 to 4 AU from the Sun, in the main asteroid belt. ...
white dwarfs and neutron stars. Our Sun will form a white dwarf in the end (some 5 billion years from now). It will shrink down to the size of the Earth after slowly boiling away maybe half of its gas (and incinerating the Earth in the process). Much bigger stars than the Sun end...
eventually explodes and turns into a dim, cool object (a black dwarf, neutron star, or black hole, depending on its initial mass). The largest stars have the shortest life span (still billions of years); more massive stars burn hotter and faster than their smaller counterparts (like theSun...
There are other smaller object that orbit the Sun, including asteroids, comets, meteoroids and dwarf planets. Asteroids (also called minor planets) are rocky or metallic objects, most of which orbit the Sun in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Comets are small, icy bodies that orbit...
Gas Planets: Gas planets are also referred to as Jovian planets, meaning they resemble the planet Jupiter (after the Roman god "Jove", another name"Jupiter"). Their composition makes them be related to stars. In our solar system, only four planets are said to be gas planets: Neptune, Sat...