Shiki is a psychological horror anime set in the isolated village of Sotoba, where a series of mysterious deaths leads to the discovery of a deadly secret. The story focuses on the struggle between the villagers and the supernatural creatures responsible for the deaths, delving into theme...
14:49 Some ofdanganronpaV3characters reactto future(All deaths+executions)/Readdescrip 小心我赛后秒退 2260 82:48 【PHIGROS】不断进化中的音游【Cthugha[AT15]】【Muse Dash】 [アルストロメリア] 移动端音游搬运小队 81.5万 13542:16 【phigros丨中秋特辑】Eltaw dance 请叫我怃 267 --...
My own creative work has been headed in that direction for some time – still a little early to share the fruits of that labor – and I found comfort in reading the work of those who made historical marks in the community, landmarks that themselves created their own subgenres. I read D...
Shiki is a psychological horror anime set in the isolated village of Sotoba, where a series of mysterious deaths leads to the discovery of a deadly secret. The story focuses on the struggle between the villagers and the supernatural creatures responsible for the deaths, delving into theme...
Shiki is a psychological horror anime set in the isolated village of Sotoba, where a series of mysterious deaths leads to the discovery of a deadly secret. The story focuses on the struggle between the villagers and the supernatural creatures responsible for the deaths, delving into theme...
Shiki is a psychological horror anime set in the isolated village of Sotoba, where a series of mysterious deaths leads to the discovery of a deadly secret. The story focuses on the struggle between the villagers and the supernatural creatures responsible for the deaths, delving into theme...