with dozens of animated movies, live-action shows, and a new ensemble-led DCEU (DC Extended Universe) film series set to rival Marvel, the expansive franchises have finally found their permanent home onHBO Max.
Find all the latest DC movies - news, superheroes stories, all characters, rumors, actors and all the latest Marvel movies news
Vote up the top DCEU movies. Here all the movies in the DC Extended Universe, ranked by fans everywhere. Since its debut in 2013 with Man of Steel, the DCEU franchise has now released six movies as of 2018. While most of the DC movies have received low Rotten Tomatoes scores, the c...
All About DC Studios Movies and Shows: New bosses, new heroes, and a hierarchy forever changed, let's break down what DC Studios have in store for 2023 and beyond.
New bosses, new heroes, and a hierarchy forever changed, let's break down what DC Studios have in store for 2023 and beyond.
Executive director and founder of the DC Independent Film Festival, Carol Bidault, said in a statement that the works of Dan O'Berry reminded her of that of early Jim Jarmusch. O'Berry actually interned under him after college, which may explain the similarities in style. Released: 2004 ...
ALL DCEU Movies RANKED - Worst to Best - The Flash, Blue Beetle, Aquaman 2: With Grace Randolph.
Even with the DCU Chapter One plan, there is a lot that remains uncertain about which DC Comics characters are coming to the big screen, who’s bringing them there, and in what order — other than the first two films on the schedule, nothing is certain about these movies. ...
Updates on the DCEU, including movie news and leaks, casting updates, the Snyder cut, Warner Bros news, Ben Affleck, and more - Bam Smack Pow
Before Margot Robbie took on the role of the Mattel doll, Barbie herself starred in over 40 movies as princesses, mermaids, fairies, and high-schoolers. We ranked the animated Barbie movies from ‘Barbie in the Nutcracker’ to ‘Fairytopia’ and more.