内容提示: ae 的全部快捷键(All shortcut keys for AE) 快捷键后效果 项目窗口 新项目 Ctrl + Alt + N 打开项目 Ctrl + O 打开项目时只打开项目窗口按住移键 打开上次打开的项目 Ctrl + Alt + Shift + P 保存项目 Ctrl + S 选择上一子项上箭头 选择下一子项下箭头 打开选择的素材项或合成图像双击 ...
excle中所有的快捷键(All shortcut keys in excle)The best answer is in the help. For example, my name is 2007, search the shortcut key in the help, and you can find the Excel shortcut key and function key Ctrl combination shortcut key Button description Ctrl+Shift+ (to hide all ...
WIN+CTRL+F Open the find computer dialog box WIN+F1 Turn on the help and support center at Windows" WIN+TAB Switch the program running in the taskbar "My computer" and "Explorer" shortcut key Press SHIFT and click the close button on the window Close the selected folder and its parent...
cs1.6的所有快捷键v(All the shortcut keys for V CS1.6) cs1.6的所有快捷键v(All the shortcut keys for V CS1.6) CS1.6 all the shortcut keys ((CS), V1.6 3248, Chinese version download), 2008, 08, Saturday, 16:21M: choose to be police or bandits? G: throw away the weapons in ...
3dsmax全部快捷键如下(3dsmaxallshortcutkeysareasfollows) 3dsmaxallshortcutkeysareasfollows: Toadapttothegridpointperspective[Shift]+[Ctrl]+[A] Animationmode(switch)[N] Changetorearview[K] Backgroundlock(switch)[Alt]+[Ctrl]+[B] Unit1before[.] Nexttimeunit[...] Cyclechangeselection[Ctrl]+[F]...
I tried this, but since I have no shortcut keys working, even the Cmd+Option+Ctrl+Shift doesn't work for me. I lost all shortcuts after migrating to a new Mac. I did try uninstalling and reinstalling inDesign. No luck. Any ideas? Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report Report...
Function Shortcut Select all Ctrl+A Create strip of images Shift+A Show/hide status bar † Ctrl+Shift+B Open in hex mode or view in hexa Ctrl+H Create slide show Ctrl+L Create multi-page file Shift+M Toggle tabs Shift+Ctrl+M Open † Ctrl+O Show/hide tool bar †...
I have seen various shortcut key postings (such as Ctrl + M + O) for Visual Studio .NET, and was getting frustrated that I couldn't find where they were at. Sure enough, a little poking around in earnest yielded the Views / Show Tasks / Shortcuts menu option in Visual Studio .NET...
The Ctrl key: explanation and important shortcuts The Ctrl key only has a function when it is combined with other keys. There are a variety of Ctrl key shortcuts which enable you to perform common commands in programs or in the operating system with exceptional speed. These can save time ...
Some shortcut keys are different on every application, Thefosterhouse. I'll share with you the keys on how to copy a transaction line in QuickBooks. A Select All key is unavailable. To copy the invoice transaction line, just highlight the row or line item, and press Ctrl + Alt +Y. ...