Words printed in this type are commands that you enter into your system. Words printed in this type indicate parameters associated with a command for which you must substitute the appropriate value. For example, when entering the mount command, device must be replaced with the name of the drive...
DS2482-100: Single-Channel 1-Wire Master8 of 211-Wire Busy (1WB)The 1WB bit reports to the host processor whether the 1-Wire line is busy. During 1-Wire communication 1WB is 1;once the command is completed, 1WB returns to its default 0. Details on when 1
DS2482-100: Single-Channel 1-Wire Master9 of 21FUNCTION COMMANDSThe DS2482 understands eight function commands, which fall into four categories: device control, I²Ccommunication, 1-Wire set-up and 1-Wire communication. The feedback path to the host is