(import MockSSH) (require mocksshy.language) (mock-ssh :users {"testuser" "1234"} :host "" :port 2222 :prompt "hostname>" :commands [ (command :name "passwd" :type "prompt" :output "Password: " :required-input "1234" :on-success ["prompt" "hostname#"] :on-failure [...
{ // Restart and run all cells in Jupyter notebook "key": "alt+shift+r", "command": "runCommands", "args": { "commands": [ "notebook.clearAllCellsOutputs", "jupyter.notebookeditor.restartkernel", "notebook.execute" ] }, "when": "notebookEditorFocused" }, rebornix assigned Yoyokr...
Usage: 基本用法 pip [options] command表示操作命令,options表示参数 Commands: 操作命令 install 安装软件 uninstall 卸载软件 freeze 按一定格式输出已安装软件列表 list 列出已安装软件 show 显示软件详细信息 search 搜索软件 wheel 根据要求建立wheel扩展包 zip 打包(zip)单个扩展包,不推荐使用 unzip 解压(unzip)...
NUnit 3 adapter for running tests in Visual Studio. Works with NUnit 3.x. For running NUnit 2 tests, use the NUnit 2 adapter. Note that use of VSIX Test adapters are deprecated in VS 2019, we recommend you to use the nuget versions of the adapter. FREE VSCommands for Visual Stud...
Maintenance console commands ClickHouse for analytics Consul Cron Custom HTML header tags Environment variables File hooks Geo sites Git LFS administration Git protocol v2 Health Check Incoming email Rake tasks Instance limits Instance review Log system Parse logs with jq Trace lo...
python3 oneforall.py --target example.com run python3 oneforall.py --targets ./example.txt run 🧐结果说明 我们以python3 oneforall.py --target example.com run命令为例,OneForAll在默认参数正常执行完毕会在results目录生成相应结果: example.com.csv是每个主域下的子域收集结果。 all_subdomain...
可能的值为:FirstLogonCommands 和 AutoLogon。 SshConfiguration 指定Linux OS 的 SSH 密钥配置。 SshPublicKey 用于在基于 Linux 的 VM 中进行身份验证的 SSH 公钥列表。 StatusLevelTypes 级别代码。 StorageAccountTypes 指定托管磁盘的存储帐户类型。 注意:UltraSSD_LRS只能与数据磁盘一起使用,不能与 OS 磁盘...
1. You must run the following commands for every reboot; copy this command to /etc/rc.d/rc.local so they are executed automatically for every reboot:# ansible all -m shell -a "echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled” # ansible all -m shell -a "echo never > ...
For access to the hardware use the'machine'module. RP2 specific commands areinthe'rp2'module. Quick overview of some objects: machine.Pin(pin) -- get a pin, eg machine.Pin(0) machine.Pin(pin, m, [p]) -- get a pin and configure itforIO mode m, pull mode p ...
$ vcgencmd commands commands="commands, set_logging, bootloader_config, bootloader_version, cache_flush, codec_enabled, get_mem, get_rsts, measure_clock, measure_temp, measure_volts, get_hvs_asserts, get_config, get_throttled, pmicrd, pmicwr, read_ring_osc, version, set_vll_dir, set_...