I can clearly manage all of my local and cloud instance in 3TCONS The customized query is not as easy as the GUI query. I have to open an console in 3T and type my own command. It would be better if 3T can have auto-complete and helpful messages (like sample) when I type my ...
create_gdb.py --DBMS SQL_SERVER -i porthos\gisprod -D entgdb --auth OPERATING_SYSTEM_AUTH --schema DBO_SCHEMA -l '\\Program Files\ESRI\License\sysgen\keycodes' 提示: Type -h or --help at the command prompt to get syntax help. 您现已在 SQL Server 中具有一个地理数据库。 将创建地...
In my PostgreSQL most important part it’s being free. The rest seems a regular DBMSCONS PostgreSQL it’s hard to navigate and configure. Official tool to configure is messy and not very friendly. Performance is nothing special too. Reason for choosing PostgreSQL Application required PostgreSQL as...
[🔦 Type: Feature] 🔦 Feature: Support For Other DBMSs #9344 [🐛 Type: Bug] 🐛 Bug: Postgres test connection succeed even though no database exist #9257 [🐛 Type: Bug] 🐛 Bug: Unable to add TLS-encrypted external data source (PostgreSQL) in NocoDB v0.251.3+ #9098 [🔦 ...
Sure, SQLite may be a different type of DBMS compared to MariaDB, in that it's embeddable rather than a network service. Sure, it's not designed for highly concurrent loads. But NPM has no need for any of it. In the vast majority of setups its database merely records information ...
DBMS Support: ALL Operator Example: SQL ALL operator Sample table: orders ORD_NUM ORD_AMOUNT ADVANCE_AMOUNT ORD_DATE CUST_CODE AGENT_CODE ORD_DESCRIPTION --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 200114 3500 2000 15-AUG-08 C00002 A008 200122 2500 400 16-SEP-08 C00003 A004 200118 500 100 ...
CreateSlaveRepositoryCommand CreateStampFieldProperties CreateTable CreateTableCommand CreateTupleDefinitionCommand CreateUserCommand CreateUserSessionCommand CreateWorkflowJobCommand CropFieldProperties CurrencyFieldProperties DBMSProperties DBMSType DataEvent DataEvent.Type DataEventRegistrationSet ...
Command must be a simple filename. Don't include options in the command, just the command filename, that's it. The options will be placed after the command. Command must be the full path from top level /. No local commands allowed....
/enable_gdb.py --DBMS DB2 -i db2prod --auth DATABASE_AUTH -u sde -p Tgdbst@rtsh3r3 -D spdata -l '/usr/arcgis/server/framework/runtime/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/ESRI/License/sysgen/keycodes' Tip: Type-hor--helpat the command prompt to get syntax help. ...
exec dbms_cloud_admin.enable_resource_principal(); Procedure with the relevant API calls. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE change_ocpu_count( ocpu_count IN NUMBER ) IS autonomous_database_details dbms_cloud_oci_database_update_autonomous_database_details_t; response_body dbms_cloud_oci_database_autono...