POST/v1/promotion_codesPOST/v1/promotion_codes/:idGET/v1/promotion_codes/:idGET/v1/promotion_codes Show Discounts A discount represents the actual application of a coupon or promotion code. It contains information about when the discount began, when it will end, and what it is applied...
POST/v1/promotion_codesPOST/v1/promotion_codes/:idGET/v1/promotion_codes/:idGET/v1/promotion_codes Show Discounts A discount represents the actual application of a coupon or promotion code. It contains information about when the discount began, when it will end, and what it is applied...
list_of_functions = getmembers(x, isfunction) As an application example, I use that for calling all the functions defined in my unit testing scripts. This is a combination of codes adapted fromthe answers of Thomas Wouters and adrian here, and from Sebastian Rittau on a different question...
改进的reGeorg版本 Neo-reGeorg 是一款利用dns协议传输tcp数据的工具 dns2tcp 是一个DNS隧道工具 dnscat2 内网渗透代理、端口转发工具 Termite 一个简单的...
ANSIedad - Generate visuals through a terminal emulator using ANSI escape codes. Arcadia - Live coding Clojure in Unity3D. Arepl - Live coding Python in VSCode. Automationism - A modular synthesiser that runs in the open source programming language Pure Data. blink - A library which allows you...
Open All Star Tower Defense inRoblox Tap the settings icon in the top-left of the screen Enter your code into the box Hit enter Enjoy your rewards! What are ASTD codes? All Star Tower Defense codes are gifts given away by the game’s developer and often contain gems, which are All Sta...
Cheat codes have somewhat become a thing of the past in modern gaming, with mods coming in to take their place. Most Bethesda games, such as Starfield and Fallout 4, enjoy plenty of mod support, but also have plenty of ways that you can tweak the game using some old-fashioned cheats ...
28-year-old June lives in a mobile home filled with keepsakes like Care Bears and Cabbage Patch dolls. She's not only facing violations of the city's fire codes, but a strained relationship with her 13-year-old daughter, Tori. There is constant tension between mother and daughter and Tori...
28-year-old June lives in a mobile home filled with keepsakes like Care Bears and Cabbage Patch dolls. She's not only facing violations of the city's fire codes, but a strained relationship with her 13-year-old daughter, Tori. There is constant tension between mother and daughter and Tori...
通过run_puppet 方法,执行命令/usr/bin/puppet apply --detailed-exitcodes --color=false --test --trace --hiera_config /tmp/puppet-openstack-integration/hiera/hiera.yaml fixtures/scenario001.pp 第二次执行run_puppet ,根据执行返回值确定执行状态。