The series revolves around two slackers: mechanic Coop and his best friend Jamie, who find a mecha robot from the future called Megas in a New Jersey junkyard. Coop modifies Megas and replaces his head, the control center, with a classic muscle car, and names him XLR. Together with...
slow moving items slow out linear in slow speed band slow speed tow shaker slow switch fibers slow train or bus slow twitchst slow unthinkable slow- eed motor slow-paced slow-play slow-running crusher slow-setting gla slow-start slow-twitch muscle slowfastreactor slowly ad slowly blocked slowly...
The perma-sweaty, muscle-bound Sly grunts and grimaces his way through a string of violent set pieces, mercilessly slaying faceless villains with whichever tools are lying around: fishing lines, bazookas, or, in one memorable scene, an exploding arrowhead. Most critics, alarmed by the ...
What if, right, the Hun were on the cusp of clinching victory in Europe, and all that stood between your average, flat-capped English patriot and the swift introduction of sauerkraut to the national menu was the collective muscle of a close-knit countryside community? Well, that’s ‘Went ...
Last but not least, we have the most useful and powerful glitch of all: the infinite item spawning glitch. By naming your character with specific codes tied to different items in the game’s code you can cause them to appear in your inventory whenever your name is displayed in-game. Just...
The movie: Alfred Hitchcock’s proto-slasher classic is now over 60 years old and still packs the sort of punch that elevates horror films into the realms of cinematic legend. In case you don’t know, Psycho follows Marion Crane (Janet Leigh) as she goes on the run after stealing a sh...
Enter your active code in the text box that appears If your code is correct, the text box will disappear and the reward from that code will automatically be added to your account And that’s everything you need to know about the active codes inAnime Souls Simulator Xand how to redeem th...
The movie: Alfred Hitchcock’s proto-slasher classic is now over 60 years old and still packs the sort of punch that elevates horror films into the realms of cinematic legend. In case you don’t know, Psycho follows Marion Crane (Janet Leigh) as she goes on the run after stealing a sh...
‘Help On the Way’ is classic on its own, as Garcia changes the mood with some unexpected key changes. It sets up a solo that’s free-flowing but also has some real muscle, one of the few times the Dead’s fabled improvisation was fully captured in the studio. From there it’s a...
Albums: The Poet II, Back to My Roots, Understanding, The Poet, At Home in Muscle Shoals Also ranks #5 on The Best Southern Soul Bands/Artists Also ranks #18 on The Best Musical Artists From Ohio Also ranks #58 on The Greatest R&B Artists of All Time Bonnie Guitar Pop music, Countr...