What is even worse, some of them are pondering in their hearts a certain high, supra-ecclesial, mystical, understanding of Christian religion, which… I won’t say more about this. I digressed into discussing this for one reason only: to tell you that I very much want you (and I pray...
and inclusion that so many have fought to embed as the foundation of the public school system which serves our democratic and multicultural society: “In a free society education must focus on the production—not of things, but—of free people capable of developing minds of their own even as...
After all, it is the very same book that allows females like myself to be clergy when some of the largest Christian denominations in the world still do not. It is not all bad, and neither is it perfect. I do have hope that through our continued commitment to one another we can have ...
Dr. Miller's messages are centered on how to faithfully live an effective Christian life. The Bible says in Colosians 2:6 "Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him." It's only when we walk in obedience to God that we discover "All Things Are Possible." ...
Multiple denominations have minimized and trivialized the act of Christ by making him a deity who is immortal. I would like to make it clear to people that Jesus was indeed aman of flesh and bloodwho fully desired to do the will of hisheavenly Father, theAlmighty God, and therefore complet...
The 30,000+ Christian denominations are a testament to the ambiguous nature of that content. To reproduce it without any errors so that all book (mostly before the invention of the printing press only about 500 years ago) are exactly the same. The 100,000s textual differences between the ...
a myriad of sects, denominations, and creeds existing Truth Is, despite them all and their articulating Hindu Sages, Zen Masters, or Christian Mystics many tongues, but identical truth spoken from their lips calling themselves admirers of all paths, and yet none ...
Ray Charles is proof that the best music crosses all boundaries, reaches all denominations. He could do any type of music, and he always stayed true to himself. It's all about his soul. His music first hit me when I heard a live version of "What'd I Say" on American Forces Network...
True teachings always aim to bring people to Christ. Someone can love Jesus and not have all the doctrines straight in their mind. In other words, let’s not be too quick to judge another person’s experience because they may have different nuances in their Christian beliefs. Thespiritof de...
Anyway, as you might have heard, themilitary is now gay.Hallmark movies are now gay.TV ads are now gay.Novels,elementary school curricula,baseball,popular songs,marriage,Christian denominations,basketball,children's library readings—all gay. Everything is, or can be, any time the cultural Stali...