Kousei Arima has been a piano prodigy since childhood, but his life comes crashing down when his mother passes away, resulting in a mental breakdown that renders him unable to hear the sound of his own music. Kousei resigns himself to living a life devoid of his passion for music and the...
As it surveys an individual narrative across a half-century of political, artistic and cultural heartache, “All the Beauty and the Bloodshed” is, in so many ways, the Great American Novel in documentary form. Split into seven chapters, the film could just as easily be split into as many...
M: All most half. I have pictures. Would you like to see them? W: Yes, sure. M: Here I am on top of Mount Fuji. And here I am in a hot air balloon. W: When did you do that? I’ve always wanted to go up in a hot air balloon. M: It was two years ago, in August,...
ni shiying da xue de shenghuo le ma? (Are you accustomed to college life now?) 我来了两年了,到现在还不适应这里的生活。 wo lai le liang nian le, dao xianzai hai bu shiying zhe li de shenghuo (I've been here for two years, but I'm still not used to life here.) ...
Launched with almost no fanfare as part of The Orange Box – a five-game package which marked Half-Life 2's arrival on consoles, bundling Valve's critically-acclaimed FPS with its subsequent Episode One and Two add-ons, Team Fortress 2, and Portal itself – Portal became an overnight ...
The Birth and Rise of Ba’athism, Factionalism and Schism, Nasserism and the Syrian-Egyptian Union, Six Day Catastrophe, Cold War Dichotomy Niccolo Soldo Jan 01, 2025 Share Part 1 of A Requiem For Ba’athism The overwhelming global dominance of the West in the first half of the last cent...
Life’s like a road that you travel onWhen there’s one day here and the next day gone “Life is a Highway,” Rascal Flats Hey, guess what? North graduated from high school and Noah has news, too. In the almost two weeks between the last day of school and graduation, North kept ...
but if you struggle to integrate large amounts of listening in your life, you might benefit from shaking up how you think about time management a bit. This is beyond the scope of this article, so I will just provide a few links I think are extra important:The forking ...
What were the best chapters/seasons? For manyFortniteplayers, Chapter Two, Season Two, Chapter Four, OG, and Chapter Two, Season Four are all remembered by the community for the world, themes, and characters they introduced. I remember the Marvel season the most during Chapter Two, but some...
s contributions to humanity for both terrestrial applications and the future of spaceflight are unparalleled. However, the lifetime of the ISS is coming to an end in the near future, and the realm of government-run assets in low-Earth orbit (LEO) will soon transition to commercial space ...