24. Chainsaw Man (2022 -) The dark fantasy anime follows Denji, a really unfortunate teenager who has lived a rough life for years since his father passed away- leaving behind an overwhelming debt for him to pay. Although he has every reason to be unhappy, he finds some semblance of nor...
Chainsaw Man 2022 3,516 votes After Devil hybrid Denji's chainsaw pet Pochita merges into his heart, he joins the mafia-run Public Safety Division to hunt down devils. Alongside comrades like the fierce swordswoman Makima and shy but volatile Aki, Denji uses his new chainsaw devil powers t...
Chainsaw man : fighting games is an action-packed game that takes place on the streets where players control a brave duck fighting against enemies and bosses.…
Chainsaw Man 769 votes Betrayed and killed, a teenager gets revived as Chainsaw Man, a soul with a devil's heart. Buy atView on AMAZON 27 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 1,119 votes A youth begins a quest to fight demons and save his sister after his family is slaughtered. Buy a...
Chainsaw Man, a devil with chainsaws for his head and arms. Shortly after getting revenge on his debtors, the Public Safety Devil Hunters, a government agency that kills devils, finds Denji and gives him an ultimatum: join them or die. He joins the agency and uses his chainsaw powers ...
While we've definitely had some great superhero movies before the turn of the century--Superman, Batman, Batman Returns, Blade, and so on--X-Men marked the start of a new era for superhero movies that would include Spider-Man, the MCU, Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy, and more...
Chainsaw Man took the world by storm in 2022, being another addition to studio MAPPA's large catalog of incredibly well-made anime series. The series also happened to be pretty dark. Not only due to how many terrible circumstances it puts its main character, Denji, through, but also due ...
Best quote: "Well, fuck me gently with a chainsaw."Quintessential teen moment: The jock funeral may push the boundaries of taste, but it’s an unforgettable watch.Yearbook superlative: Best use of a non-shatterproof glass coffee tableHeathers is one of the darkest, spikiest, punch-in-the...
they hated each other as much as they hated you. And then there was DeathMatch. Whether you were connecting two PCs with a serial cable for one-on-one action or throwing a LAN party where four people hauled their PCs to the same place (bulky CRT monitors and all!) to chainsaw each ...
Best quote: "Well, fuck me gently with a chainsaw."Quintessential teen moment: The jock funeral may push the boundaries of taste, but it’s an unforgettable watch.Yearbook superlative: Best use of a non-shatterproof glass coffee tableHeathers is one of the darkest, spikiest, punch-in-the...