50 Most Popular Anime Characters of All Time As a comprehensive independent art form, Cartoon has become one of the essential aspects of the creative cultural industry that many countries attach great importance to. Definition Cartoons are different from cartoons in a general sense. Cartoons are a ...
Here you will find all kinds of wallpapers, desktop gadgets and downloads featuring your favorite Anime series, Vocaloid characters and video games. Come download some awesome CG movies from Final Fantasy VII to XII as well as other games! Come play some innovative Anime-based games created usin...
Here’s a lovely variety of ghost characters that could be used as stickers or as a pattern for a wallpaper or even a T-shirt. Definitely some inspiring choices of shapes and lines in this creative illustration.Image credit: Corey Reifinger Social Zombies ...
6. Happy Easter Wallpaper to be Colored This free religious Easter printable can also be a poster! You can color this one and use this as a giveaway card to friends and family – a personalized memento that they can keep. In bold letters are the words Happy Easter scrambled on top of...
Floral Wallpaper The floral wallpaper screamed early '70s, but it was such a pain in the you-know-what to remove that it stubbornly clung to the walls through the '80s, despite nobody actually liking it. Very, Very Colorful Linoleum Floors ...
Theoriginal idea for the teddy bearwas inspired by former President Teddy Roosevelt himself. It began when a political cartoonist depicted Roosevelt refusing to shoot a black bear that had been tied to a tree by his expedition team. Upon seeing the cartoon in The Washington Post, a candy shop...
If you’re lucky enough to have a home theater, you’re going to want to decorate the walls with something other than boring old paint or wallpaper! Finding posters of the original artwork for movies isn’t as hard as it used to be (like this one; thank you, ol’ interweb!), and...
Floral Wallpaper The floral wallpaper screamed early '70s, but it was such a pain in the you-know-what to remove that it stubbornly clung to the walls through the '80s, despite nobody actually liking it. Very, Very Colorful Linoleum Floors ...
Floral Wallpaper The floral wallpaper screamed early '70s, but it was such a pain in the you-know-what to remove that it stubbornly clung to the walls through the '80s, despite nobody actually liking it. Very, Very Colorful Linoleum Floors ...
Cartoon films C. Science Fiction films D. Documentaries B One of my favorite books is The Merchant of Venice, a dramatic work by Shakespeare, a famous English writer in the 16th century. The book describes something happening between some merchants in Venice. The m...