Capitalization isn't something you have to think much about. The first letter of a sentence gets capitalized, along with any proper nouns—and you write in all caps when you're angry (or excited, depending on who you ask). Automatically convert text case in your workflows Learn how But ...
Expression to change All Caps to First letter uppercase and rest lowercase Expression to display field based on another field value, report grouping question Expression to insert Month from SSRS report into email subject. Expression to select end day time of a day. Extra blank page in ssrs r...
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure is a tough series to blog in a lot of ways: its superb visual style makes it difficult to choose screencaps, its ludicrous plot defies any sort of analysis, and its characters are all such gigantic meatheads that they don’t really undergo any sort of growth or...
This was a far more insidious and localized demise than the certain-death sentence imparted by 16-Bit CDs. But it was an infections, tone-sucking demise none-the-less. So how can lower distortion be a bad thing? That requires a closer look at two things – what is being measured and ...
Indeed, the last sentence of “Shenandoah” proclaims that “…it almost seems that the long, hard eternal price for it all was worth it.” “Almost” implies that her journey to understanding is not yet complete, which means that we can hope for further books from Sue Eisenfeld. Share ...
There are a number of aphorisms that one imbibes over many years of medical education, especially in medical school. Some are useful; some are not; but some stick with you for reasons that even you can't figure out. For example, I still remember my first
made evident only by a handful of diligent players posting screencaps to Twitter) andno one has yet reached an “impossible” course. The continuing journey towards thegame’s denied conclusion is not so much a race as a pilgrimage. And, yes, thosefarthest along the two-dimensional path are...
Expression to change All Caps to First letter uppercase and rest lowercase Expression to display field based on another field value, report grouping question Expression to insert Month from SSRS report into email subject. Expression to select end day time of a day. Extra blank page in ssrs repo...